THIS WEEK RECAP (3/1/14) There were a lot of confusion before - TopicsExpress


THIS WEEK RECAP (3/1/14) There were a lot of confusion before the game as to what field we will be playing on. I assured Jordan and Romeo that we will most likely be playing at Krusi; it been raining the past few days, the field will be wet and most likely the girls softball will take a day off. I checked weather last night and it was supposed to rain all morning, then just cloudy for the rest of the day. And once again the weather people are wrong. It didn’t rain at all the whole morning, and while we were playing there were slight drizzle and also some moments of downpour. Despite the challenge with the weather we all stuck it out and finish one game, in the middle of a second game when tragedy struck someone (something). More details to come later, here’s a recap of game 1. GAME 1 - Team 2 won 12-11 in 8 innings, a comebacker and walkoff in extra innings. Team 1 – Vic, Daryon, Jordan, Mark, Rich, Noel, Sean, Sonny, Frank Team 2 – Victor, James, Cameron, Casey, Tony, Josh, MVP, Rob, Romeo GAME 2 – Was cancelled after 1 inning I believe. Team 1 – Team 2 – Some highlights of the day : -Despite the fact that team 1 seem stack it remain a competitive game because of excellent defense from team 2. Team 1 best player for the day was Daryon who scored 4 of the 11 run that team 1 got, with an inside the park homer to push team 1 up ahead by 2 run in top of the 7th. And team 1 worst player for the day was Mark, who got 5 out for the game. Team 2 best player was Victor, who lead off and score 3 run for the game with no out; he also make some excellent play in the infield/outfield with great defensive catchs. Team 2 worst player was Casey, who recorded 4 out at #4 spots. -MVP make a great catch of Jordan ‘home run’, amazingly it didn’t hit the dirt and veer off toward the grass area of the other field where I made the grab. Victor chased down a lot of high pop up in shallow outfield which prevent team 1 from having runners on base and ending their threat of scoring. There were some confusion toward the end of the game in the top of the 7th inning, when team 2 walked in prematurely with only 2 out so runners on base were catch off the base and team 2 was able to get the last out. There were also some confusion regarding what the total score was, and which team was ahead and by how much. We got it all sort out and were really pumped for the second game, when the rain start to really pouring. We proceed with counting off despite the rain and got our lineups set up. Team 1 score 3 run in top of the 1st, while it was pouring and team 2 commit a lot of error because the ball was wet and slippery. Team 2 came to bat at bottom of the 1st when tragedy struck. In between game 1 and game 2, somehow Cameron’s dog (OJ) was able to get free from his leash to the fence. So during the bottom of the 1st inning in game 2 OJ was running around in the infield/outfield. Cameron almost trample over his dog while chasing down a ball in left. While we were all grappling with what to do with OJ, he start running toward the infield and act like he was playing catch with the pitcher. Then he start running toward the shortstop (Victor). I believe Victor signal the catcher (Romeo) to throw the ball to him so he can somehow lured the dog back in the dugout, Romeo threw the ball to Victor and it was slightly low and hit OJ I believe somewhere between his neck and head. Once hit by the ball, OJ just pass out and not making any noise. Lucky for us Tony was a vet so he was giving OJ CPR and telling him to stay with us. Best case scenario was OJ got a concussion, worst case scenario was he’s gone. Josh took Cameron and Tony and OJ to a vet clinic to get him check out. As you can see, we were all pretty shock that’s something was alive and running around one minute and the next it lying there lifeless. Our condolences to Cameron, his family/friends and anyone else who know OJ. Some of us stay and do batting practice even though it was raining and cold. At the same time we were all hoping that by some miracles OJ will be ok. Unfortunately at the end of batting practice, we found out that he didn’t make it. When we end batting practice, Romeo help lead a prayer for OJ as he was call to doggie heaven much too soon. A little Chihuahua and a softball (despite people calling it soft, it’s very hard) duke it out today and the little Chihuahua didn’t win. I think the one lesson we all should learn is that when we take children/pet on the field or near the field, we should pay attention and make sure they don’t get hurt. These kids/animals don’t have strong bones and if they get accidently hit by the ball, it could be game over.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 02:56:11 +0000

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