THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME... and do NOT get comfortable in - TopicsExpress


THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME... and do NOT get comfortable in it! By Faith Abraham Lived as in a Foreign Land By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs of the same promise; for he was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God. (Hebrews 11:8-10) Just as the pilgrims who first made their way to this continent, Abraham did not always know where he was going, but he did know that wherever he happened to be on this earth that it was not a permanent residence. As a pilgrim he knew where he came from. He had left the city of Ur in Chaldea with his father, nephew, wife and children along with those possessions he could transport. He left a land which was known for its pagan worship. Astrology, superstition and the worship of a moon goddess. While it would be understandable if Abraham had left his homeland with some sadness, he nonetheless was leaving a spiritual waste land. He was to be a stranger in a strange land as he wandered in Canaan. His faith was not the faith of the native Canaanites. He did not share a standard conduct and morality with the natives of Canaan. His purpose for living was foreign to the people of Canaan. He dwelt in tents and never attempted to build a permanent house or dwell in a city. While he maintained pleasant relationships with the Canaanites, did business with them honestly and fairly, and was known for his hospitality, he did not seek to assimilate with them and become as one of them. He was content to live as a nomad always on the move living in tents and fragile booths. He and his family did so for some 100 years. His faith in the promise of God motivated him and helped bring contentment. He looked beyond this life to a celestial city. This vision kept him from being tied down to this life. With eyes focused on heavenly city, he was content to dwell as a stranger in a tent. He knew that God had a better inheritance in store for him than any found in a sin stained world. The Bible says that Abraham and other men and women of faith were seeking a country of their own... a better country, that is, a heavenly one (Hebrews 11:13-16). In spite of not receiving the promise in actuality these remained faithful until death. They were willing to wander all their lives motivated by the promise of God. Returning home was always a possibility, but there eyes and heart were on a better country than the one they were in or had left. It is interesting that Abraham would not even allow Isaac to go back to Ur to look for a wife. Instead, he made his servant swear with a solemn oath to go for Isaac. They kept in mind that their focus was not on where they had come from, but on where they were going. The focus was not so much on I am from Ur as it was I am going to heaven. As a result God was not ashamed of them. In fact, to future generations He would often proclaim, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:40:41 +0000

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