THIS is how I do customer service when I have time....; Fighter - TopicsExpress


THIS is how I do customer service when I have time....; Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:00 PM) Hello Michelle Osborne. How may I help you? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:00 PM) Why is the shipping so expensive Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:01 PM) Because Im not bodybuilding and cant do their shipping rate Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:02 PM) Is the pump supplement a pre workout Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:02 PM) Yes Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:02 PM) Is it pretty intense Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:03 PM) If youre sensitive yes but the buzz you feel from stimulants fades with time but doesnt diminish the fat burning effect Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:04 PM) Ive been using a lot of pre workouts so how long should I wait to workout when I take it Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:05 PM) 30-60 min Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:05 PM) Ok and the burn how long to eat when taking it? Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:08 PM) You take it one hour ore workout Pre Youll feel it more if you dont have a full belly But you can have a protein meal Fiber will just make it less intense Some people like it that way though Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:10 PM) Ok so u take both pump and burn together before a workout? Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:10 PM) Some do! I do for weights For cardio only burn Sorry I am vague but I cant say one way is the only way Some combine fd pump with coffee Others take decaf coffee for flavor and both burn and pump for weights That last example is me Whats your goal Michelle? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:12 PM) So should take pump for weights and burn for cardio? Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:12 PM) Yes! But you can also use Fd burn with fd pump for weights Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:13 PM) My goal is to build muscle which I have a little but like to build more while loss fat Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:13 PM) So whats your diet? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:14 PM) I eat really clean cause more I have to. Lean chicken, turkey and lots of green veggies and fruits. No dairy of any kind and egg whites Lots of water Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:14 PM) Didnt we speak on Facebook today? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:15 PM) No I dont think so Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:15 PM) Ok. Eating clean doesnt equal fat loss per se Please read the post on my page o just posted So whats your total calorie intake Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:16 PM) About 2200 Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:16 PM) And height and weight? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:16 PM) 57 147 Ive build muscle most on my legs Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:17 PM) How consistent are you on 2200? How many days in a row without slips or extra of your clean food have you been on it Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:18 PM) Im pretty consistent. Im gluten intolerant so I can only eat certain foods Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:18 PM) Sorry to be a pain but define pretty consistent? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:19 PM) Its ok. Lol!! Really everyday. 7 days a week since May of last year Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:19 PM) Ok! So you havent had any cheats at all since then? Any extra fruit or protein shake ? Never? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:20 PM) I had maybe one or two from then but I end up feeling sick I have protein shake everyday after my workout. Apples and pears Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:20 PM) Yes but is that in addition to your 2200? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:21 PM) Thats within at times my 2200 Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:21 PM) How often is within times? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:21 PM) About 5 to 6 days a week Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:21 PM) So what happens day 7? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:22 PM) I usually dont eat that many calories Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:22 PM) So do you calculate every day depending on what you eat since you vary? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:22 PM) Its a Sunday so I eat breakfast kind of late around 10 Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:22 PM) Can you show me your exact daily menu ? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:23 PM) Most of the time I caculate Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:23 PM) How ? How do you calculate Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:23 PM) I dont have one written down. I use my fitness pal Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:24 PM) Ok so take a screen shot of a day for me:-) Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:24 PM) I havent for a whole I havent for a while I need to start again Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:24 PM) Got it. I understand typo-ish :-) Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:24 PM) Lol Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:24 PM) What is your breakfast? Whats lean in % fat content? How much oats and what kind? Do you know how many calories in your peanut butter? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:26 PM) Lean ground turkey with 3 egg whites and oats with blueberries a tsp of peanut butter and peanut butter powder. 90% lean Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:26 PM) How many ounces raw meat? Btw 10% is not considered lean at all Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:26 PM) Yes . 2 tsp is 160 Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:26 PM) And the blueberries and oats? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:27 PM) 1/4 cup blueberries and 1/2 oats Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:27 PM) What kind of oats? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:27 PM) 90% lean isnt good Quacker Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:27 PM) Nope. It means for 100 gram (3.5 oz) you get 10 grams of fat Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:28 PM) What is good then Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:28 PM) Thats as many calories as in 2 teaspoons pure butter Well I want to know first what kind of oat you are getting Not brand but as in fashion Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:29 PM) Whole grain 1 minute Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:30 PM) No, I mean is it steel cut? Or old fashion? Or what Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:31 PM) Sorry I think old fashion? Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:31 PM) You think? Lol hey lady you got to look Then take a pic and show me Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:32 PM) It doesnt say. It doesnt say steel cut Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:33 PM) I can see on the item what it is Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:34 PM) It wont let me take it Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:34 PM) Before you do that can u fill me in on the other snacks and meals? Im starting to see why your program is subpar Ok so read what it says on the label Michelle Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:35 PM) 100% whole grain oats Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:35 PM) Ok thst wont help Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:35 PM) Im sorry. This is frustrating Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:35 PM) Please send me image to Pauline at fighter diet dot com Lol yes Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:36 PM) Ok I will. Snacks fiber one oatmeal cookie and biscuits. 4 biscuits. And half apple Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:37 PM) Are you kidding me? Lol no wonder youre not as lean as you want! Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:37 PM) Uh oh!! Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:37 PM) Hahaha Dont even bother buying my supps yet crazy woman! Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:38 PM) Ok what do I need to snack on Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:38 PM) A protein shake! With water! And a couple of carrots! Lol youre getting way more calories than your alleged 2200 Lol Said with love Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:38 PM) Ok what about when Im at work? Im a hairstylist Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:38 PM) lol you cant eat ? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:39 PM) Arent carrots full of surgar Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:39 PM) You dont think your cookies and biscuits are full of sugar? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:39 PM) When Im very busy its extremely hard to snack Yes! Lol Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:39 PM) A protein shake only then! Youre done in a minute Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:39 PM) I like u!! Ur honest. Thanku Ok. Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:40 PM) Snacking isnt needed if your total hits the good amount Next meal? So whats lean chicken? Red salmon or pink salmon? How much rice? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:42 PM) Lunch, salmon or lean chicken in a bag like Purdue short cuts with wild rice or brown rice and veggies like zucchini or asparagus steamed And a apple or a pear Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:42 PM) Omg here comes the fruit again! Lol youre a starch, grain and fruit monster! Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:43 PM) Pink salmon, skinless with rib meat So fruits bad Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:43 PM) Oh is it the yellow package of seasons pre made cuts Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:44 PM) Tell me what I should be eating to what I make Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:44 PM) Fruit isnt bad per se and you cant gain weight only eating fruit but when it adds to a daily excess calories in in your case it will make it impossible to lose fat No, I want to hear your food intake I dont give out free meal plans out of the blue How much chicken and repeating my question on how much rice I got it but you avoid telling me serving size in measurement Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:46 PM) Chicken no skin, salmon, talopia at times, brown rice at times, veggies everyday and a fruit everyday Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:46 PM) No, read what I asked Michelle... Stop typing Look at my questions! Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:47 PM) Chicken twice a week, salmon or talopia 5 days a week Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:47 PM) Stop stop stop Read my question please Scroll up Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:47 PM) Sorry just getting tired. Have to be up early for a workout Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:48 PM) Raw or cooked measure? Ill let you go soon Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:49 PM) 6 ounces of chicken , cooked. Salmon 2 fillets cooked Do I need to stop the rice altogether? Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:50 PM) Do you know how many calories in your 6 oz cooked chicken?:-) You didnt even tell me your option of rice Ive asked 3 times Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:50 PM) No not at this moment. Dorry Sorry Wild or brown Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:51 PM) A 10% of your alleged total calorie intake = your chicken serving Lol youre tired... I asked SERVING SIZE Michelle, as I can tell your 2200 is very inaccurate. Thats why youre not losing fat and manage to build muscle. Building muscle when youre seasoned and no beginner requires calories, and not being in a daily deficit. Fdx2 build muscle burn fat would be great for you but you must promise to follow day A for two weeks without slips or swaps. Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:53 PM) Is 2200 too much? Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:53 PM) I would love to send you this ebook complimentary provided you allow me to educate my followers by copy this customer service chat Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:54 PM) Ok I will!!! Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:54 PM) It means you get 40bucks for free Would you be willing to do this for my company? It would help thousands of people Is it ok your name is visible? Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:54 PM) Deal!!! I needto do this right Yes I will!!! Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:54 PM) Yes you do! I would love to schedule a check in on two weeks from now Over phone Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:54 PM) Yes it is Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:55 PM) Ok great! Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:55 PM) Ok ! Great!!! Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:55 PM) Whats your email so I can send you the ebook when Im done with my cardio? Email it to me! Dont type it in here! Delete lol Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:56 PM) How do I delete????? Fighter Diet, Inc (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:56 PM) Michelle thanks for your time and Ill email you for phone consult time Dont worry Ill fix Youll get an email tonight. Sleep tight 💝 Michelle Osborne (Sun, 1/04/2015 06:57 PM) Thank u!! For helping me through this Ok great!! Looking forward to it
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 01:58:17 +0000

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