THIS is what will be happening in the United States very soon, if - TopicsExpress


THIS is what will be happening in the United States very soon, if its not already. This is INSANITY. I would like to ask ALL of my Muslim FB friends to please watch this video and tell me, is this what YOU believe?? And if it IS what you believe, or maybe you dont even necessarily believe it, but it doesnt bother you that THEY do, then I have to ask a very hard question... WHY on earth would you think we would ever want or accept you in OUR COUNTRY!? I saw another video yesterday of a mob of angry Muslims OUTSIDE the WHITE HOUSE, holding PALESTINIAN flags and protesting against Israel. A UNITED STATES MARINE showed up at the DEMONSTRATION, carrying a UNITED STATES FLAG and an Israeli flag. Long story short, it got ugly, and several of the peaceful Muslim protesters hit, kicked and spit on the Marine. HOW exactly is this in ANY way OK!? I find it utterly INSANE that these CHRISTIAN-HATING, PEACEFUL people move into OUR country, and PROTEST in front of OUR WHITE HOUSE! This is OUR FREAKIN COUNTRY!!! Can you imagine if MILLIONS of CHRISTIANS entered any one of the middle east countries and protested!? WE WOULD MOST CERTAINLY BE KILLED!!! So please, try to make me UNDERSTAND! Because the number of these so-called peaceful Muslims that Ive seen in video after video after video after video, that are making a home in the US (and the UK), the very places where they HATE CHRISTIANS, IS absolutely STAGGERING! And DONT tell me that the people in these videos are not the peaceful Muslims. Oh really!? THEN WHERE ARE ALL THE PEACEFUL ONES?? AND WHY ARENT THE PEACEFUL MUSLIMS TAKING A STAND AGAINST THESE PEOPLE IF THESE PEOPLE DONT REPRESENT YOU?? WHY DO WE ONLY SEE AND HEAR ABOUT THESE TYPES OF MUSLIMS?? That being said, while I DO personally know a couple of peaceful Muslims, and one of which I actually care about very much, I cant help but feel the same way as the late Martin Luther King Jr. when he made the following very true and very profound statements: He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting AGAINST it, is REALLY COOPERATING WITH IT. - Martin Luther King Jr. We shall have to repent in this generation... not so much for the evil deeds of the wicked people, but for the appalling silence of the good people. - Martin Luther King Jr. Until I see a REAL and very LARGE uprising of GOOD Muslims taking a hard and CONSISTENT stand against the evil ones, I will never be 100% comfortable with them. If we dont stand for something, we will fall for anything.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 05:35:30 +0000

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