THIS is why murder of the second amendment is a very bad idea: - TopicsExpress


THIS is why murder of the second amendment is a very bad idea: 1. The Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution in China (1949-1976): While it is next to impossible to calculate exactly how many died at the merciless hands of communists when they took over power in 1950 and during the time that came after, official estimates range anywhere from 50 to 70 million. While some of this happened when communist forces defeated the Nationalist Army finally, most of them happened later and came in 2 primary waves. 2. The Stalinist Era in the USSR (1929-1953): While the majority believe Hitler to be the most prolific murderer of the 20th century, the top prize goes to another man, Joseph Stalin, who turned his nation into 1 massive extermination camp and prison. The number of people who had died under his direct involvement or as an outcome of his sloppy agricultural policies will never be known for sure, but some estimates place it as high as 22 million. 3. The Holocaust (1939-1945): No other genocide is as carefully documented or widely known as the effort of the Nazi regime to terminate not only Jews from European continent, but countless others it deemed undesirable and unfit to live. By the time Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his Berlin bunker in April of 1945, some 12 million people, more than half of them Jews had been terminated either through deportation, mass extermination or starvation and/or over work in its prison camps. This was all part of a merciless policy that much of the world either refused to believe was happening until the first camps were liberated by Allies forces in 1945. 4. The Killing Fields of Cambodia (1975-1978): When Khmer Rouge over threw the Cambodian government in 1976 and established a communist rule in it’s place, the first act was to exterminate any one it deemed to be an enemy of state. This included not only ex-members of the old rule and military, but Buddhists, intellectuals, journalists, businessmen, teachers, and even people who wore glasses. 5. The Armenian Genocide (1915-1923): While they shy away from discussing it today, Ottoman Turks with the leadership of Enver Pasha, War Minister from 1881-1922 might have conducted the very first organized 20th century’s large scale genocide. Immediately after and during the 1st World War, Turkey killed, starved to death, deported nearly 2 million Armenians along with thousands of other non-Turks. The Ottoman Turks may also be the first to introduce the idea of concentration camps although most of the camps were short-lived. 6. The Rwandan Massacre (1994): Genocides are politically motivated generally speaking, Rwanda is a classic example where it was the result of tribal in-discrimination. The short mass killing spree resulted in 6,00,000 and 10,00,000 dead and was the climax of long-standing ethnic tension and competition between the majority Hutus and minority Tutsis. Supposedly the Tutsi had control over Rwanda for centuries dominating with their powerful position over the Hutu majority until they had been over thrown in the Hutu rebellion of 1962. Tension between the two tribal communities remained high and eventually escalated into war when in April 1994, Hutu. President Juvénal Habyarimana died under suspicious circumstances in a plane crash. This resulted in bloody reprisals by Hutus against their Tutsi neighbors in retaliatory attacks. Our Founders knew that there will always be more powerful, evil people who would abuse and misuse those weaker, so they gave us the 2nd amendment (a right we already had under our Creator, i.e., the right to life) only put it into law so that weaker, milder people would have the means to protect themselves against anyone who someday might try to take those rights from us. Please re-consider your support for out-lawing guns. The day is coming sooner than you believe that YOUR life will hang in the balance because you cannot own a gun. And believe me, they are working furiously to make this happen. They are right now plotting your murder as we argue over this common sense right to own guns.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 16:27:19 +0000

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