THOR KNOWS ARGUING WITH MORTALS NAMED TED IS FUTILE! BUT THIS TED (CRUZ); IS THE DUMBEST TED THAT EVER LIVED! TED THE IDIOT TALKING TO IDIOTS! “Cruz’s argument, though, relies on a different reading of what “the same” means. Franken is arguing that the Internet will be just as open to innovation as it always has been, since net neutrality has always been in effect and will remain in effect. Indeed, it would be hard to make the case that the Internets current regulatory structure has made innovation impossible. Cruz instead is re-appropriating the phrase to imply that the Internet as a whole will never be able to change from the way it is now. But on a more general level, Cruz is embedding his argument in populist terms, condemning the involvement of the FCC, which he calls an unelected commission influenced by lobbyists and politicians and unaccountable to regular, working Americans. By taking such a firm stand against net neutrality -- which even the telecom companies say theyre for rhetorically -- Cruz is putting at risk the GOPs longterm effort aimed at cleaving Silicon Valley companies away from Democrats. Net neutrality refers to the idea that Internet service providers should not be allowed to charge companies different rates for the same amount of data across the network. Doing so could allow big companies to buy faster speeds for their own data, while startups face slower download speeds, preventing them from gaining traction. Tilting the field against startups and small players, Franken argues, stifles innovation.” huffingtonpost/2014/11/17/ted-cruz-net-neutrality_n_6172796.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000013
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 23:10:22 +0000

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