THORN IN THE FLESH What goes around comes around, a naked dusk - TopicsExpress


THORN IN THE FLESH What goes around comes around, a naked dusk cannot escape the peeping eye of dawn.Today i have a word for you my learned friend Kibwana, for once consider using your mirror so that you can reflect on your erroneous past instead of living in denial assuming its well with the electorate.There is possibly of a rough side of your coin that the public has not yet seen because the MCAs who play the watchdog role have drowned in the lake of greed and are probably shy to media if not it has biasly shunned them. Sometimes I fill like owning up your mistakes and apologize to the people of MKN on your behalf because you are my Wasa though the law may not allow. Where did our traditional governments go? I could have called our mbaitu (Asii) to tie you Kata-ka-Nduu and squeeze some sisal juice over your body beside the fire place (Thome wa Mukumba) for soiling our clans image. I dont hate you my big bro, it is the spirit of my grampa William Kioko Musoma-the founding chief of Makueni that lives in me.This former 2nd world war soldier laid the plans you see in most parts of the county as the first administrator under the colonial government and history has it that he never robbed the public. If Musoma-the-1st woke up today he would probably slap or curse you because youve allegedly been breeding corruption at your office that is build on his ancestral land which was adopted by the government when Makueni became a district in 1992.Let me remind you wasa incase you forgot, his remains are lying afew meters from your working place so watch out lest you provoke his anger and attract the wrath of the living dead. Last year you left Kenyans in dilemma when you purported that your life was in danger and you were targeted for association by a conspiracy of all other elected leaders How can I dialogue with the people who wanted to kill me? you posed in your ussual bla-bla bla-dash! you even defended your corrupt CECs from impeachment by the Assemby for the same reasons you fired them last week.Lol! it leaves some one wondering could there be a loose nut in your Medula Oblagata or probably you are gone bananas if not abusing some elicit substance? Word has it that your senior Human resource Officer Ben Keli and the county pay roll officer Jenifer Kaleli are facing fraud charges in court, thanks to our vigilant CID and police for allegedly foiling the scam. The troubled HR who is also a pensionable employee in the Kitui County water ministry has allegedly held office and solicited our Makueni county funds as a ghost worker in a conspiracy that lasted for seven months in the height of conflict. With all the expertise and the experience you have in litigation are you not aware that it is unlawful for someone to hold two public offices? Let me take you back to the constitution your participated in drafting, article 77/1of chapter six on Leadership and Integrity states that A full-time state officer shall not participate in any other gainful employment but should we continue to sin so that grace may abound? Mr Governor i told you that trust is like virginity, once broken it cannot be restored. You can now hold those public rallies at Unoa grounds and tell us how we should believe in your goverment if the person you have put incharge of County employees is a ghost worker in his own rights...OMG! Once have I spoken but twice did my people hear, the day our community will listen me and turn away their ears from the charm of Kibwanas sycophancy the Makueni fraternity will see God. Last year we unleashed a list of county ghost workers and what followed was the arrest and detention of our activist Hon. Derick Mulungye. When we sort explaination on his fate we were told he was being questioned for possessing some County classified information. He was later released without charge and blackmailed for allegedly hacking county executive computer systems. History repeats itself, Keli and Ms Kaleli will be appear in court for the hearing of their consolidated case today ah ah ah ah i know for sure Mulungye has the last laugh,Kibwana do we have ghost workers in Makueni? If dissolution is the solution then you should not be cleared by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commision to defend your seat but rather be decleared unfit to occupy public office and if possible go home through jail. It would also be my wish that Muungano party maintains its minority since you are not the type to be trusted with power, I dont imagine you controlling both the Assembly and the Executive without morality, will it not be dooming? Kalonzo is not be doing us good by refusing to field a gubernatirial candidate through the regions popular Wiper party at the event of dissolution,the people of Makueni might be forced to adopt another CORD allied party like ODM or FORD-K if not explore the last option killing party politics through civil liberties like independent candidature. We cant condone this tenacity of impunity in the society,we need have soberity in the dispensation of this new constitution. I thus call upon every enlightened youth in Makueni to stand with me and jealously protect devolution at County and grass root levels because Kibwanas adminstration has become a thorn in the flesh! (The writer is an activist allied to The MAKUENI I WANT MOVEMENT and a journalism student at JKUAT micjat@yahoo @MusomaMusoma)
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:41:50 +0000

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