THOSE WHO WANT TO ARM THE PKK AND BREAK TURKEY UP ARE PLANNING ARMAGEDDON IN THE REGION It is not the Kurdish people who want autonomy, but the PKK (communist separatist terror organization). We are therefore not against the Kurdish people. We do not want the foul, base and immoral types from the PKK anywhere near our Kurdish mothers and sisters. Which Kurdish mother or father would ever want autonomy? Which Laz or Circassian person would ever want autonomy? Why should we wish such a scourge on ourselves? It is America that wants autonomy, that wants us to be disintegrated. The Kurds definitely do not want autonomy. America and Europe want it. They want a separate state there to ruin the region. I warned the PKK about this two years ago. After stirring you up, they will bring you down, I said. They indeed tried to separate them and are now ruining them all. They will round you up from the mountains, and then nobody will help you, I said. What I said is now happening to them. PRESENTER: U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Johnson did not describe the PKK as a terror organization. He described the PKK as an organization that is defending the Kurdish region in Iraq and fighting ISIL. ADNAN OKTAR: Look, God is showing us the kind of tactics being employed against Turkey. The PKK has martyred tens of thousands of our soldiers and bombed and destroyed thousands of our buildings. Had the PKK done such a thing in America, they would have wiped it out long ago. They have slaughtered and martyred mothers and children and tens of thousands of civilians in Turkey. But how does America describe the PKK? They describe it as a very useful organization. These people will soon have the PKK awarded the Nobel peace prize. These people are now devoid of all logic. Besides they regard Turkey as expendable. They sit in their own countries and issue instructions saying; Let Turkey go and fight ISIL, we cannot send our own young people. The PKK and PYD are on Americas list of terror organizations. That is why America is not arming them directly. It is using other means. They keep telling Turkey to arm them and send its own troops to the region. That stems from their regarding Middle Eastern countries as expendable. This is such an atrocious behavior. Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktars Live Conversation on A9TV dated October 12nd, 2014 --------------- America and Europe initiated air strikes only when ISIS launched attacks on the PKK And only when they [IS] started attacks on the PKK. They started their move when the PKK was taken hold of. In that period, when there was no overrun onto the PKK, everyone kept silent. But when they got their hands on the PKK - since they find the PKK vital for the separation of Turkey, and they find reinforcing the existence of the PKK with more power a crucial matter, and believe the PKK should be equipped with heavy artillery - the IS threat drawing near to the PKK was a calamity for them. Right then, the operations started. - Mr. Oktar, IS started getting close to Baghdad, but they paid no attention to that at all. Adnan Oktar: Sure, but there is good in it all. See that our Kurdish brothers realized that Turkey is their true friend. They bore witness that the dear Turkish soldiers are their real friends. My dear Kurdish mothers, how they have come with great peace [to Turkey]. And children, they don’t ever consider Turkey to be a hostile country – far from it – they find it to be more secure than their own land, more safe than their own settlement or village. Turkish soldiers have radiance on their faces. If Kurds were to seek shelter in another country, they would be uneasy. But when they came to Turkey, they were relieved, and in great serenity. Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktars Live Conversation on A9TV dated October 05th, 2014 ----------- PKK is confining civilians as human shields in Kobane - PKK sources have confirmed that IS has gained control of the YPG security and justice centers. Regarding the civilians confined in the city, Salih Muslim stated, “I cannot give a clear number, but thousands of civilians are besieged there and they are facing a threat of massacre.” Adnan Oktar: The PKK is confining those civilians as human shields there. They should stop this depravity. That corruptness has penetrated into their very substance. They should open a corridor for those civilians, and they will directly pass into Turkey. Turkey is right behind them. They should cut loose the civilians and stop using them as human shields. Those people should not be kept as hostage. Murderers act like this; abduct a person and use him as a shield. This is how they are acting, holding civilians as human shields, those despicable ones. Some of the poor civilians were not able to leave then. Now, their exploitation should not be allowed. That is why IS is so meticulous; otherwise, they would have eradicated the YPG long time ago. Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktars Live Conversation on A9TV dated October 12nd, 2014
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 18:45:53 +0000

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