THOUGHT YOU KNEW WHO THE NEW WORLD ORDER WAS? WELL, GUESS AGAIN. NWO AS YOUVE NEVER SEEN THEM. WHO IS NWO? BILDERBURGS. ILLUMINATI. WATCH THIS. BE INFORMED, HUMAN. The New World Order is a term that has been used many times throughout history. This page is devoted to mapping out the US-based, Democrat-led push for a single world government. Liberal political think-tanks push the agenda, the NSA and Fourteen Eyes enforce the decries. These “illuminated” thinkers think they know what is best for you and they slowly mold our once free nation into a shadow of her former glory filled with debt-slaves, scared to speak out against The Powers that Be. These technocrats have names and their agendas are clear, yet few know this sordid tale of ego-maniacs, spies, hackers, and their goal of dissolving borders and destroying our freedom. Fourteen Eyes of the NWO 5 Eyes Australia Canada New Zealand United Kingdom United States 9 Eyes Denmark France the Netherlands Norway 14 Eyes Germany Belgium Italy Spain Sweden War leads to the erosion of liberty for the benefit of the military-industrial complex. World War II set in motion the destruction of privacy and the formation of an Orwellian Police State controlled by the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States of America. Under the guise of cooperation and mutual respect, countries signed secret agreements with the NSA to share signals intelligence (SIGINT) which in layman’s terms means your phone calls, instant messages, and more. [1] Shortly after World War II, the United States and its allies built the ECHELON system to spy on land and satellite-based communications worldwide. [2] Their closest allies, dubbed The Five Eyes (FVEY), received privileged treatment from the NSA community wherein these five countries share resources on a grand scale. [3] The Five Eyes are also know as AUSCANNZUKUS, short for AUStralia, CANada, New Zealand, UK, and US. As time progressed the Five Eyes added two more tiers to their club: the Nine Eyes and Fourteen Eyes. The Fourteen Eyes are officially known as SIGINT Seniors Europe, or “SSEUR” but I think we can unofficially call them: The New World Order. This Anglosphere-based NWO group is now hell-bent on a United Nations based one-world government, with a single digital currency worldwide , and a completely disarmed populace. [4] The recent Snowden-disclosures should be enough to wake the people, however informal gas station polls show that Average Joe has no clue. Each member of The Fourteen Eyes of the New World Order is subservient to the Five Eyes, and all other nations are enemies of the one-world government. To see this any other way is to have eyes and yet be blind. The Fourteen Eyes use their combined technocratic might to infiltrate, subjugate, and excommunicate all who oppose their political or financial agendas. The Five Eyes use their illuminated status to enslave the Nine side-kicks, as was the case during the Wikileaks disclosure of the US. government pushing Monsanto GMO corn into Paris, a Nine Eyes member. The US. State department also used their NSA and 14 Eyes to spy on anti-GMO activists in Paris, and “calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits.” Occupy Wall Street suffered a similar fate. [5] Through a combined lame-stream propaganda campaign and targeted domestic spying by the Department of Homeland Security, the will of the people was mocked, shunned, and silenced. The Fourteen Eyes form a freedom-slaying Voltron that is worse than Orwell’s nightmares and what Willis was talkin’ about. The Fourteen Eyes feed a brain in Nevada at the Utah Data Center. The NSA uses this massive database to silence activists, silence Congressmen, and even silence Generals. Still the question remains, who controls the NSA? How can any progress toward less government, less war, free energy, more freedom, and common abundance ever occur when globalist ideologies and Big Brother are hell-bent on destroying our borders, taking our guns, and ensuring nothing you do can stop our progress towards a one-world government. The Fourteen Eyes will have their New World Order so don’t protest, buy the GMO corn, and go shopping, stay scared! Surveillance Map 20142D3D New World Order Map - NSA DHS Drones - Climate Viewer Mobile Canadian Navy spy sold NSA secrets to Russia for $3K a month Canadian Forces Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Paul Delisle walked into the Russian Embassy in Ottawa in 2007 and offered to sell secrets to that country’s military intelligence agency, beginning an espionage career that lasted almost four years, according to court details revealed by CBC News after the naval officer pleaded guilty to spying. Delisle, 41, pleaded guilty in a Halifax court Wednesday to breach of trust and two counts of passing information to a foreign entity between July 2007 and Jan. 13, 2011, in Ottawa and Kingston, Ont., and Halifax and Bedford, N.S., where he lived. According to previously unpublished material from a bail hearing, Delisle walked into the embassy wearing a red ball cap and civilian clothes. He flashed his Canadian military identification and asked to meet with someone from GRU, the Russian military intelligence. Delisle was posted to the security unit HMCS Trinity, an intelligence facility at the naval dockyard in Halifax. It tracks vessels entering and exiting Canadian waters via satellites, drones and underwater devices. While there he worked on a system called the Stone Ghost, said CBC reporter Rob Gordon. “It’s a computer system that links the five eyes. The five eyes are the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. All their information is shared on the Stone Ghost computer. youtube/watch?v=XRLPG_HplrA
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 01:59:27 +0000

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