THOUGHTS □ We can all spend our lives going about doing good. - TopicsExpress


THOUGHTS □ We can all spend our lives going about doing good. Every time you meet a person, think of some encouraging, an expression of admiration. Every time you come into a situation, think of some good thing to bring –a thoughtful gift, a considerate attitude, a helping hand. □ There is a criterion by which you can judge whether the thoughts you are thinking and the things you are doing are right for you. That crieterion is, have they brought you inner peace? If they have not, there is something wrong with them –so keep trying. □ If you love people enough, they will respond lovingly. If I offend people, I blame myself, for I know that if my conduct had been correct, they would not have been offended, even though they did not agree with me, “Before the tongue can speak, it must gave lost the power to wound.” □ To those who feel depressed, I would say: Try keeping your surroundings full of beautiful music and lively flowers. Try reading and memorizing thoughts that inspire. Try making a list of all the things you have to be thankful for. If there is some good thing that you have always wanted to do, start doing it. Make a meaningful schedule for yourself and keep to that schedule. □ Although others may feel sorry for you, never feel sorry for yourself- it has a deadly effect on spiritual well –being. Recognize all problems, no matter how difficult, as opportunities for spiritual growth, and make the most of these opportunities. □ From all the things you read and from all the people you meet, take what is good –what your own ΄Inner Teacher΄ tells you is for you-and leave the rest. For guidance and for truth, it is much better to look to the Source through your own ΄Inner Teacher΄ than to look to people or books. Books and people can merely inspire you. Unless they awaken something within you, nothing worthwhile has been accomplished. □ No one is truly free who is still attached to material things, or to places, or to people. We must be able to use things when we need them and then relinquish them without regret when they have outlived their usefulness. We must be able to appreciate and enjoy the places where we tarry, and yet pass on without anguish when we are called elsewhere. We must be able to live in loving association with people without feeling that we posses them and must run their lives. Anything that you strive to hold captive will hold you captive, and if you desire freedom you must give freedom. □ The spiritual life is the real life-all else is illusion and deception. Only those who are attached to god alone are truly free. Only those who live up to the highest light they have find their lives in harmony. Those who act on their highest motivations become a power for good. It is not important that others be sought or desired. Know that every right thing you do-every good word you say-every positive thought you think-has good effect. □ All people can be peace workers. Whenever you bring harmony into any un peaceful situation, you contribute to the total peace picture. Insofar as you have peace in your life, you reflect it into your surroundings and into your world. □ That which is received from without can be compared with knowledge. It leads to a believing, which is seldom strong enough to motivate to action. That which is confirmed from within after it is contacted from without, or that which is directly perceived from within (which is my way), can be compared with wisdom. It leads to a knowing, and action goes right along with it. □ In our spiritual development we are often required to pull up roots many times and to close many chapters in our lives until we are no longer attached to any material thing and can love all people without any attachment to them. □ You cannot leave a situation without spiritual injury unless you leave it livingly. □ If you want to teach people, young or old, you must start where they are-at their level of understanding. If you see that they are already beyond your level of understanding, let them teach you. Since steps toward spiritual advancement are taken in such varied order, most of us can teach one another. □ Physical violence can end even before we have learned the way of love, but psychological violence will continue until we do. Only outer peace can be had through law. The way to inner peace is through love. □ Concentrate on giving so that you may open yourself to receiving. Concentrate on living according to the light you have, so that you may open yourself to more light. □ Sometimes difficulties of the body come to show that the body is just a transient garment-that the reality is the indestructible essence which activates the body. □ After you have found inner peace, spiritual growth takes place harmoniously because you-now governed by the higher self-will to do god’s will and do not need to be pushed into it. □ Nothing threatens those who do god’s will, and god’s will is love and faith. Those who feel hate and fear are out of harmony with God’s will and are likely to have difficulties. □ All difficulties in your life have a purpose. They are pushing you toward harmony with God’s will Love S.S
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:48:15 +0000

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