THREE THINGS YOU NEED INORDER TO ACHIEVE WHATEVER THAT WHICH YOU WANT : Today lam sharing with you three things you need to have if you want to see yourself to the top tommorrow 1You need a positive mind -it is a mind that sees everything achievable ,it is a mind that works hand in hand with the culture of not quitting ,you need to develop this culture if you want to achieve anything in life ,a positive mind donot quitt nommatter how hard things are ? ,it keeps on pressing forward ,in doing something there are always consequences and challenges that you need to face as a human being ,&if you do not have this positive mind you will quit easily so you need a positive mind . 2 the second big one is discipline -it sounds simple when l say discipline because its an ordinary word but however its not as easy as it sounds ,you need to have self discipline in all areas of your life ,the biggest being for example if you are in business you need to have money discipline ,you can get more financial lesson if you buy yourself the book rich dad poor dadby robertkiyosaki ,one of the greatest book that the world still recognise in building self financial discipline 3Now here is the big one PASSION --do you have passion in what youwant to pursue or pursuing as long as as you have passion in it you will not feel the hardness in it ,in pursuing a medicine degree for one to become a doctor there is a lot of calculations that one has to master ,a lot of mathematics that one has to calculate but let me tell you the secret if you have passion you will not feel how hard it is ?because you got the passion ,it works hand in hand with a positive mind ,so you need to have passion ,l have passion for changing people s lives by writing for theminspirational stories Leonard Mudhangu is a motivational writer who can be contacted on 0771978270 /chifambamudhangu@gmail for more .
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 09:36:13 +0000

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