THREE WORDS THAT SICKEN THE SOUL! 1. Fear 2. Anxiety 3. - TopicsExpress


THREE WORDS THAT SICKEN THE SOUL! 1. Fear 2. Anxiety 3. Torment And my God, according to His riches in glory, shall supply, in Christ Jesus, each of your needs. (Philippians 4:19). Surely you have heard of these prosperity preachers, stating that the believer does not undergo torments suffers no failures or defeats in life. And when any of these situations proved entered into crash. Calm! The Holy Bible teaches us different. Fear arises when we fear some fact that is beyond our strength. An account that will win and we do not have any money. A surgery in which the doctor did not guarantee life. A conversation that may be at stake their professional, loving, anyway. Fear takes hold of our lives and he hath torment in the life of the believer yes. When the apostle John wrote to the churches of Asia, he said: There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear. However, because fear involves torment; He that fears is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18). In fact, when we fail to trust in Gods love for us, we are shackled by fear, and then the torment overtakes us. We fear the worst. And live to regret. And all this creates anxiety, which can be summarized as a feeling of fear, anguish, and I wrote on the matter yesterday, and you can read if you feel necessary. We have to learn to trust in Gods love: That the simple fact that God loves us, even if we do not deserve such love, He is there to supply every one of your needs: that is, God will not leave any past hardships. The Greek word translated fulfill means to fill to the maximum, up to the top; fill in abundance, so that nothing be lacking to complete the measure. What more you need to stop conceding early and rely more on Gods love? The answer to you unleash these three words that sick persons life with psychosomatic illnesses, such as ulcers, gastritis, and stomach problems; heartburn, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, lack of appetite, overeating, overeating, sleeping body aches, stiffening of neck and back, bowel, urinary problems, and so on: is trust in Gods love. For the love of God casts out all fear, and thus eliminates the torment of the mind, and as a result, you are freed of this damn anxiety. Do not walk forward. Do not be a slave to fear. Do not live with torment in mind. Trust in Gods love, because if He did not deny Jesus Christ to save you, how could you deny meet each of your needs? Have a blessed night of Thursday. Stay in Gods love, today and always. Amen!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 00:07:46 +0000

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