THROUGH Geeta – Sri Krishn stated “I WILL COME BACK” - TopicsExpress


THROUGH Geeta – Sri Krishn stated “I WILL COME BACK” whenever time requires SAMBHAWAMI YUGE YUGE. His Consciousness -- absolutely merged with Supreme Consciousness -- had to state this five thousand years back. Because he (Supreme Consciousness) has faith in humans that they will learn and live according to Geeta then only they will be prepared and receptive for next lesson according to “TIME REQUIREMENT”. Human has learnt Geeta understood Geeta intellectually (not spiritually) …recited it repeatedly give examples of Geeta sing Geeta make temples of Sri Krishn but never lived according to it to get connected to Supreme Consciousness for further evolution. Even then a few like Vivekananda Sri Aurobindo Mahatama Gandhi etc have lived and made it their spiritual strength ATMABAL and added certain things to take humanity ahead and made their lives worthwhile and justified their human existence. Why certain knowledge is available to certain people because Supreme Consciousness wants them to live according to that and by experiencing it reaching some new clues for further evolution according to “Time Requirement”. Evolution never gets stuck at one stage. Geeta is and will be always relevant for the guidance to make human GOD (Superb Human). Maha manav HONE KA MANAMANTRA hai – true human being with all the divine attributes. If this purpose is not realised then Geeta is just a scripture to read relate and explain it with minds and understanding of humans of different (various) individualities. This can go for years and years ….and they can never become deserving and open to the Supreme Consciousness to get directives for further growth – according to the requirement of the TIME – today in Kaliyug or to say for this moment. Hence Geeta has to be LIVED and EXPERIENCED according to the TIME REQUIREMENT. Krishna Consciousness is always ready to descend in form, for that we have to prepare ourselves by learning lessons from previous lessons by knowing both apara and para knowledge + gyan (wisdom). Even though I state this condition of humanity, I say never mind! True growth never stops, like a river; it finds its own path. Consciousness is not reversible and never repeated. The irony is that the path shown by evolved souls is never accepted and followed while they are alive. That is why Dwarka and all the Vrishni Vansh of Krishn got destroyed. As time passes by people try to understand the teachings and live in a make believe world that some Krishn (exactly the same who existed in the past) will come and deliver humanity, little realizing that it never happens -- will never happen again. The form and the way of showing the path will definitely come but in completely different garb and again not understandable and recognizable with ease by anxious and intellectually inquiring minds. JISNE KAAM KARANA HOTA HAI WHO KAREGA HEE KYONKI RASTAA AUR TAREEKA TOH BAHUTON NE BATAA DIYA HAI BAAR BAAR LAGATAAR AB AUR KYA BATANAA. BAT TOH USS PAR CHALNEY KI HAI. DIMAGI KUSHTIYAN BHI EK TARAH KA BAHANAA HAI KAAM NA KARNE KA SAARI ZINGADI YAHI GAATE RAHO KE KAUN SAHI HAI KAUN GALAT. O Human! You always negated evolved souls at the time they were alive….even tortured them also though mental and physical negation as well as lack of understanding of the SUBTLETIES they so lovingly try to express through their beings….. But after they are gone you glorify them, make their statues temples mosques churches worshipping places and go on repeating their teachings like parrots twisting them according to your motives. You worship & pray to their created images because images cannot point out your short comings and you can say or demand whatever you feel like without being shown the mirror!!!!!! No truly evolved human of the time resembles the previous one but people (are) knowingly or unknowingly in the thought of searching or hoping to see the same type of image….and behavior!!!!! Every evolved soul is product of the time requirement. This is the pure science of evolution. This is truth. Pranam Satyamev jayate.........Karm is Dharm...........Love never Fails --Meena Om
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 16:25:43 +0000

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