THROUGH THE NAME OF THE GOD THE FATHER, THE GOD OF THE SON JESUS CHRIST AND THE GOD OF THE HOLLY SPIRIT ...THERE WAS EVENING AND THERE WAS MORNING THE FIRST DAY OF 01/01/2015 THROUGH THE GREAT PEACE OF HAPPY NEW YEAR OF ALL - MAY ALMIGHTY ONE GOD THROUGH KING JESUS CHRIST BLESS AND PROTECT US ALL ON EARTH PEACEFULLY THE LIGHT HAS BEEN BORN HERE TONIGHT. IN OUR HEARTS WE CARRY THE FLAME THE LIGHT OF HOPE IN THE FACE OF THE DEEPEST DARKNESS, THE SPARK OF HOPE FOR THOSE WHO DESPAIR. LORD OF OUTCAST, GOD OF THE HOPELESS, HELP US TO CARRY THAT FLAME, THAT SACRED, VULNERABLE FLAME, BORN AMONG US BUT CONTINUALLY THREATENED WITH EXTINGUISHMENT. HELP US TO CARRY THAT FLAME THAT IT MAY SHINE FOR ALL PEOPLE WHO WALK IN DARKNESS. YES !!!!!! THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD OF MEDITERRANEAN SEA - PERSIAN GULF - MIDDLE-EASTERN ARABIC NATIONS OF WEST AFRICA, GAZA, SYRIA, YUENDUMU, THE WORLD OF ATLANTIC OCEAN REGIONS, AND THE PEOPLE OF PACIFIC OCEAN - SOUTHERN PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION OF NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ISLANDS OF WEST PAPUA MAY SEE A GREAT LIGHT. YES !!!!!!! THERE MAY BE HOPE!!!!!!! IF THE BIRTH OF LIGHT SPARKS THE GREATEST OF ALL PEACE REVOLUTION , THE PEACE REVOLUTION OF THE HEART !!!!!!!. LET THE UNIVERSAL PEACE - JUSTICE REVOLUTION BEGIN ......!!!!!!! INDEED NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ISLANDS OF WEST PAPUA SHALL DO WHATEVER WE CAN IN MY WAY THROUGH HIM, AND WITH HIM, AND IN HIM AND HELP BY HIM AS WELL WITHOUT DELAY FOR THE TOMORROW FREEDOM ...!!!!!!! ... THE NON-STOP VOICE OF WEST PAPUA OF MELANESIAN UNITED FRONT ....!!!!!!! RISING-STANDING UP THE UNBROKEN UNITED ONE PEOPLE ONE SOUL ONE GOD ONE COUNTRY OF WEST PAPUA OF MELANESIA UNITED FRONT THROUGH UNITED LIBERATION MOVEMENT FOR WEST PAPUA DAY BY DAY SINCE 1960S TO 2015 ... Jesus calls for Intifada (Lawan) and civil disobedience My interpretation of today’s Gospel: Jesus calls for Intifada (Lawan) and civil disobedience. In today’s gospel reading (Mt 22:15-21) we find Jesus uttering the famous words: “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” And I find myself pondering on what he actually meant by it. The Pharisees (or the phari-sissi’s as my daughter calls them) are trying to trap him as they expect him to engage in some sort of criminal behaviour which would bring his downfall. They basically want him to prove to them that he is a resistance leader, calling for the rebellion of his people against Caesar’s reign, and get the Romans to arrest him, etc. etc. But Jesus does no such thing. He calls on his brothers and sisters to do the opposite. In my view, Jesus was calling for an even deeper and more radical form of resistance, he was calling for an Intifada against the Ruler of this World, and he was calling on his people to choose for the Kingdom of Heaven instead. The Palestinian Intifada The first time I heard of the Palestinian people, I was very young. The PLO had just opened a bureau in Dakar (Senegal), and my father brought us to see the children of their representative at the time. We sat down together and ate, and watched TV; I’ll always remember this: Tom and Jerry was on. Then one of the kids exclaimed: dessin aminé ! (instead of dessin animé)… We all laughed together… Six years later, their first Intifada began. Intifada is usually translated as uprising, resistance or rebellion. This Arabic word literally means: “shaking off” (of the yoke?). In the Palestinian context, it was mainly about civil disobedience and resistance (LAWAN), but most importantly, it was the first time that the Palestinian people acted together, as a nation. One form of civil disobedience by the Palestinians, was the refusal to pay taxes… something that the Pharisees thought Jesus was going to encourage. Well, on the contrary, he says: yes, sure pay your taxes… but pay your taxes to the ruler that you want to submit to. If you submit to Caesar, then yes, you should use the coin with his inscription and his image on it, and you should pay his taxes… but if you don’t accept Caesar as your ruler, and you accept only God, you should have absolutely NOTHING to do with Caesar. If you accept God, accept only God and no one else, do not let anyone else dominate you. Choose: Kingdom of Caesar (Ruler of the World) or Kingdom of Heaven That’s my interpretation of the words of Jesus in this Gospel where he says: Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. Jesus invites his followers to make a radical change. He says there are two types of money and two types of Kingdom. The one based on power through subjugation, domination, colonization and heinous crimes. That is the Kingdom of Caesar. If you choose that kingdom, you should play their games, and pay their taxes, and suffer the consequences. And there is the Kingdom of Heaven, a Kingdom based on Love, Peace, and Justice. There is no doubt that you will suffer the consequences, but that one gives you the Justice you sought for, for so long, it brings Love and Peace to your soul. You cannot choose both, and if you choose God, you will eventually be returned to Him, because you belong to Him. Jesus is calling for civil disobedience: let there be a genuine system that stands for Love, Peace and Justice to oppose the other one which stands for Hatred, Racism, Injustice and Death. Let there be a strong DEWAN ADAT PAPUA to oppose and denounce the Indonesian puppet-organization of the Lembaga Masyarakat Adat Papua. Let there be ONE West Papua, with ONE flag and ONE national anthem, to oppose and denounce the illegal Indonesian division of our beloved island into several provinces. Let there be ONE PEOPLE, ONE SOUL, and genuine dialogue and love and faith among Papuans, to oppose and denounce any subversive division of our people into factions that no longer want to work together. Because after all of this over, all that will have really mattered is how we treated each other… Hope, Faith and Love. Let the West Papuan people act together, as a Nation with a refreshed vision for the future of West Papua under God. Sadar, Bersatu dan LAWAN ! PEACE ... PEACE THANKS ... OPM/WPCNL-INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR WEST PAPUA PEACE - JUSTICE REVOLUTION MOVEMENT - AMEN. GREAT UNBROKEN LOVE PEACE AND HOPE OF GOD FOR ALL THROUGH UNITED UNITY ONE PEOPLE - ONE SOUL - ONE ONE GOD THROUGH KING JESUS CHRIST ... ONE COUNTRY NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ISLANDS OF WEST PAPUA WITH THE GREETINGS OF PEACE - They crowned Me with an iron crown, cover MY face with a dirty cloth dirty as AN OLD PERSON OF GOD 100% and THE NEW PERSON OF GOD 100% BUT ... FIRSTLY:NO ONE KNOWS THE DAYS OR HOUR. THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN DONT KNOW, AND THE SON HIMSELF DOESNT KNOW - ONLYTHE FATHER KNOWS. Secondly; ALWAYS BE RAEDY! YOU DONT KNOW WHEN THE SON OF MAN WILL COME.(- NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OR TIME MATTHEW 24: 36,44 JESUS CHRIST WORDS-) Firstly, IT IS FOR FREEDOM THAT CHRIST HAS SET US FREE STAND FIRM, THEN AND DO NOT LET YOURSELVES BE BURDENED AGAIN BY SLAVERY.(-FREEDOM IN CHRIST -GALATIANS 5:1-), Secondly: BUT DO NOT FORGET THIS ONE THING, DEAR FRIENDS; WITH THE LORD A DAY IS LIKE A THOUSAND YEARS, AND A THOUSAND YEARS ARE LIKE A DAY. (- THE DAY OF THE LORD 2 PETER 3:8-), and Thirdly, BEHOLD, I AM COMING SOON! MY REWARD IS WITH ME, AND I WILL GIVE TO EVERYONE TO WHAT HE HAS DONE. I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE FIRST AND THE LAST, THE BEGINNING AND THE END. I, JESUS, HAVE SENT MY ANGEL TO GIVE YOU THIS TESTIMONY FOR THE CHURCHES I AM ROOT AND THE OFFSPRING OF DAVID, AND THE BRIGHT MORNING STAR ( JESUS IS COMING -REVELATION ;22;12-13 AND 16 - ) MAY ALMIGHTY ONE GOD THROUGH KING LORD JESUS CHRIST BLESS NEW GUINEA ISLAND OF WEST PAPUA NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA AND PAPUA NEW GUINEA -PNG AND ALL PEACEFULLY ...THANKS.. PEACE AMEN. GDay of all with the Glorious to GOD in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will through Grace-PEACE-XiMas of 2014 through Vox Populi-Vox Dei,People Voice is the GODs Voice,People movement is GODs Movement,Earthly People Sing is Heavenly GODs Sing Peacefully on Earth of all forever more...Today, at the end the year of 2014, put away those sickness, sadness and Sorrow in our heart soul, dissatisfaction. Lets all those goes through together with the Sun Down at the end of the year 2014 and welcome with the New Fresh Morning Broken the First of the year of 2015 with the New Strength Spirit and get the whole of of one full year of Happiness of 12 months the Spirit of Peace with the New 365 Days of Gladness, and the 8760 Hours of Love-Mercy-Grace, and 525600 Minutes of Loves, and the 31536000 Seconds of Spirits of Friendship and Solidarity with Yours and Mine of God almighty through King Lord JESUS CHRIST the SAVIOUR of ALL.. REMEMBER THAT AT THE END OF YOUR AND MY LIFE THIS INJUSTICE ACTS MIGHT BE REACHED OUT , YEAH THE TENT COMMANDMENTS STANDBY WITH THE POWER OF JUSTICE AUTOMATICALLY CAN BE DONE OVER THERE BEFORE ANY BODY, OR YOU AND ME ENTER INTO THE GATE OF HEAVEN Judges 6:12 When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” THERE IS A HOPE, LOVE AND PEACE AFTER LIFE ON EARTH WHOEVER WE ARE ... !!!!!!! My dear of Gods people brothers and sisters of all with you all to the next years ..WITH PRAYING OF .Franciscus, Oweng,K .. PEACE - OPM* MORNING STAR INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR WEST PAPUA -AMEN - THANKS.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 03:53:30 +0000

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