THURS.13TH MARCH, 2014 ODEHYIEBA DAILY DEVOTION TOPIC: FAN INTO FLAMES THE GIFT OF GOD PT 3 TEXT: 2 Timothy 1:5-6 NIV “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands” EXPOSITION Precious one, yesterday we learnt that, for Timothy to discharge this great task of dealing with false doctrine and defending the gospel effectively there was the need for him to fan the gift that was in him through which he was recommended by the church in Lystra. We shall look at the three (3) possible reasons or assumptions that may have compelled Paul to make such a profound statement. Firstly, it may be assumed that the fire in Timothy was going down and therefore Paul was urging him to fan in up. Some believe that, Timothy was too timid that his timidity overshadowed his own capabilities in ministry. Nevertheless, God typically uses the physically unimpressive to accomplish His purpose. It is so that no one may boast before him. For God to really be able to use a person, that person must come to a recognition and acknowledgment of his human weakness. God can use human beings who know they are weak or timid. When someone knows he is nothing to speak of physically, who knows he cant save himself, God can teach and lead that person to serve Him and mankind. Such a person knows the credit belongs to God, not to himself. Such was the case of young Timothy. Ultimately he proved to be stronger than any robust, masculine character, for he would rely on God for his strength. Timothys faith in God made him strong. This is why God could use a young man who, to others, might have seemed timid. So my dear no matter your present state you are more than usable in the sight of God. We shall look at the other two (2) possible reasons God willing tomorrow. Stay blessed and enjoy a blissful day. PEACE-SHALOM! FURTHER STUDY 2 Timothy 3 ANAZOPUREO…..FAN INTO FLAMES REMAIN RAPTURABLE
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:47:05 +0000

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