THURS., 16TH JANUARY, 2014. ODEHYIEBA DAILY DEVOTION TOPIC: CHOOSING WISELY Pt 9 TEXT: Proverbs 18:24 NIV One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. EXPOSITION Yesterday we started looking at some factors we need to consider when choosing a friend. We have learnt so far that a friend can either make you or break you. This therefore calls for a critical consideration. Lets now look at another keen factors. We looked at three factors yesterday; lets continue from where we ended. 4. Choose a friend who gives as much as they take. Weve all had friends that only want things from us, but they never seem willing to give to us when we need it. Relationships involve sacrifice. When a relationship is one-sided, we just end up feeling resentful and angry. Its not healthy. Choose a friend with whom you feel a balance of give and take. 5. Choose a friend who shares the same FAITH with you. Your faith is important to you, so why choose a friend who puts it down at every chance they get? If your friends are pulling you away from God, are they really your friends? Not likely. A true friend, whether they believe what you do or not, will support your choice to be a Christian. It tends to be the reason why Christians often choose other Christian as friends, because they want to be with people that help them stay on a Christian path. Remember 2 Cor 6:14 admonishes us not to be yoked up with unbeliever. 6. Choose a Friend Who Likes the Things You Do. While friendship is full of sacrifice, it helps if you choose friends who share in a lot of your interests. It gives you things to talk about or share. It makes deciding on stuff to do easier. You dont have to choose a friend who likes every single little thing you do, but you should have some shared interests. 7. TRUSTWORTHY: Finding a friend that is trustworthy is like finding a gem. A person who is trustworthy is a person that you can trust and be confident in. They are normally people who are reliable. They are people that remain faithful. They speak kindly about you, always do what they say, and keep their promises. We shall shall look at the final three (3) God willing tomorrow. God bless you for following. Stay bless and enjoy your day. PEACE-SHALOM! FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 CHOOSE WISELY STAY ABLAZE FOR CHRIST REMAIN RAPTURABLE
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 04:53:46 +0000

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