THURSDAY- 22nd WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME –A Gospel: Luke:5: 1-11: - TopicsExpress


THURSDAY- 22nd WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME –A Gospel: Luke:5: 1-11: They left everything and followed him. I Reading: 1Corinthians 3:18-23: All things are your servants; but you belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God. Jesus Calls His First Disciples: Steps to Calling Men, Lk 5:1-11 Jesus Christ set out to catch all men, but he is unable to catch everyone by himself. He needs help, the help of all who will follow him. The present passage is a descriptive picture of how Jesus goes about calling men to help him the enormous task of reaching the world. 1. Lake Gennesaret (v.1) 2. Step 1: Seeing a vision of people who need to hear the Word of God (v.1) 3. Step 2: Seizing resources (v.2-3) a. seeing the resources available b. seeing a man: Simon c. leading the man to serve 4. Step 3: Removing reluctant obedience (v.4-5) 5. Step 4: Demonstrating godly power (6-7) a. A catch so great the net breaks b. A catch so great other help is needed c. A catch so great both boats are filled d. A catch so great the boats began to sink 6. Step 5: Stirring a deep confession (v.8-9) a. of sin b. of Christ as Lord c. of awe-reverence-fear 7. Step 6: Challenging men to discipleship, that is, to catch other men/people (v.10) 8. Step 7: Watching for the decision to forsake all (v.11) Thought: The difference between catching fish means for death and catching men/people for life/alive. The disciples of Jesus were to give life to lifeless as Jesus did. believeinthegoodnews.blogspot
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:58:09 +0000

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