THURSDAY 28TH AUGUST, 2014 CONSEQUENCES OF DISOBEDIENCE 1 SAMUEL 15: 10-26 At times people think they are doing God a favour by going out of the line of instruction. Obeying instructions from God is the key to success and such can bring great reward, while disobeying instructions can generate a curse. You may be given an instruction to carry out, but if you carry out only a part of it and you leave the other part undone, you have failed woefully in performing that assignment and there are consequences for doing that. When God gives a person an assignment, He would watch that person to see how well he would carry out the work. There is a reward for perfect work and none for work not fully done, because God expects accuracy and perfection when He sends a person. God was disappointed in Saul because of what he did. He failed in obeying instructions. He went an extra mile to do beyond what God asked him to do. He thought he could do God a favour by doing that. No one can do wrong and expect appreciation. You can be right in almost all you have done, but if you fail in one thing, you are guilty, James 2: 10. Some believers have failed but they don’t know. Some little good deeds they have done are still deceiving them to think that all is well. Our God is a God of His word; that is why He honours His word more than His name, Psalm 138:2. When He gives a command, He expects it to be carried out the way He has commanded it. Some people want to break a record so they go an extra mile for God. You can never help God, and you should know your limit in whatever you are doing. To obey is better than sacrifice. What God wants from you is to obey exactly what He asks you to do without adding your own human intentions, initiative and creativity. Memory Point: Number 20:11-12 Deliver me from whatever will make me to disobey you.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 01:00:01 +0000

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