THURSDAY 4th JULY, 2013 - TopicsExpress


THURSDAY 4th JULY, 2013 MADE FOR SIGNS AND WONDERS - Pst.Hetty See, I and the children whom the Lord has given me, are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of armies, whose resting-place is in Mount Zion. Jeremiah 18:8 (BBE) A sign is a notable phenomenon that every one cannot ignore. Remember when our lord promised his disciples that they were going to be filled with his spirit he told them what advantage they would have but didn’t explain the dramatic dimension that it would occur. On the notable day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell on them and they were influenced (filled with the Holy Spirit). The people were confounded but would agree that there was something extra ordinary about the experience because it doesn’t just happen every time in history before now. There was no record that such a thing happened before now. No wonder the apostles taught that the infilling of the Holy Spirit is a sign to those who received him. The operation of the Holy Spirit is an attestation that something supernatural is happening; it demonstrates that these are God’s approved agents to walk in his stead. You cannot manifest as a sign and not be a wonder to your world. Wonder is the experience of witnessing something beyond every day life’s experience. By this I mean, it is an occurrence you do not just see every day. This explains why the disciples of Jesus were held in great esteem because they began to perform miracles on a daily basis an experience never seen before now! You are a sign to your world from the moment you receive the divine life of God. Your words will be an agent to change things around you. This reminds me of the trainee prophet, young Samuel. The Bible records his words never fell to the ground, meaning, his words were so potent like that of God that it always accomplished what he declared. You too will accomplish the same feat. Amen! PRAYER OF DECLARATION I am a sign to the ends of the earth. I am destined to be a proof producer everywhere I go. God’s sign will always go with me. Halleluyah! Further Scripture Reading: Psalm 71:7 READING PLAN 1 YEAR- 1 SAMUEL 29, 1 CORINTHIANS 4 2 YEAR-, 1 CORINTHIANS 8:1-13, NUMBERS 4:1-49
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 09:49:20 +0000

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