THURSDAY 6-13-13 ~ 1 Peter 5:8-9 ~ Be self-controlled and alert. - TopicsExpress


THURSDAY 6-13-13 ~ 1 Peter 5:8-9 ~ Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. STUDY BIBLE: Lions attack sick, young & straggling animals; they choose victims who are alone or not alert. Peter warns us to watch out for satan when we are suffering or being persecuted. If you are feeling alone, weak, helpless & cut off from other believers, or if you are so focused on your troubles that you forget to watch for danger, those are the times when you are especially vulnerable to satan’s attacks. During times of suffering, seek other Christians for support. Keep your eyes on Christ & resist the devil. Then, says James, “he will flee from you” (James 4:7). THOUGHTS: Satan uses all kinds of subtle tactics to cause trouble & dissention amongst our families & within our churches, putting in our thoughts that a Christian walk is too hard for us in an attempt to alienate us from God’s flock to make his attack an easy task – we sure don’t help matters by being easy targets when we are not in fellowship with God. Nothing is too big for our God. Satan knows his days are numbered & that in the end he will lose & be thrown into those fiery pits of hell. Is that somewhere we want to spend eternity? Stay true to your faith & stay alert for trouble makers, seeing beyond the gossip, slander & other activities of satan’s temptations. When we are one with Christ we see more clearly, we strive for a life more pleasing to God & not be such a disappointment. God is in the forgiveness business but we must learn from mistakes & put away grade school foolishness. We can overcome such foolish & disappointing behavior of a drama filled life by reading & studying His Word, obey his instructions & make it a priority to apply what we learn to our daily life. Otherwise, we risk becoming a straggler, a victim in the wake of satan’s mission to seek, kill & destroy all that is good & of God while he can. Our societies have us believing that the world revolves around lil ole me & you and what we want – oops your bubble just burst – this world & life does not revolve around us. We are to revolve our life & our lil realm of this world around being the best soldier in God’s army that we possibly can be. One only has to open their eyes & see what is going on around them & in our world today, satan is a busy lil bee because he knows his time grows near as Christ prepares to come for his church & his children. How prepared are you? None of us will have the opportunity to enter a plea of insanity, stupidity or allowed use of plausible excuses we think are justifiable for our bad behavior as we stand in judgment for our life at God’s throne of justice – this is when we should get the heebie geebies at the mere thought of our standing face to face with God answering for our life! I don’t know about you but all I wanna hear is, “Job well done, my child…” Today Lord, prepare me mo-better for your army. Lord, I ask your help for a clearer focus to see where I can make changes in my life that will affect the lives of others in a more positive & godly manner. Amen …
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 12:43:53 +0000

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