THURSDAY 7TH AUGUST TAKE ME TO THE BEAUTIFUL GATE “And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple.” Acts 3: 2 The Beautiful Gate here represents the place of Grace and Anointing. It is the household of faith. It is a place where God’s power is resident. It is the house of worship where God’s manifested presence is evidential. It is a gross error for a person to be at the beautiful gate and not be beautiful. How can I be in the place of grace and still lose my race in life? The Bible made us to understand that the lame man was brought to the beautiful gate day after day. It became a tradition. Hear me friends, when seeking God becomes a matter of tradition in your life, then it will be very difficult for God to reach you. Tradition hinders grace. It hinders the efficacy of God’s word. Often times, we see people come to the place of encounter and go back the same way they came, because of lack of expectation. You must know that expectation is the vehicle that triggers collection. Desire is the vehicle that carries reception. Friends, when next you find yourself in the place of grace and glory (The beautiful gate). Allow yourself to be driven by the vehicle of desire, because no miracle happens except there is a passionate desire on the part of the receiver. WORD OF PRAYER:- Oh Lord, as I appear in your presence, let every spirit in me that hinders my miracle be destroyed in Jesus’ name, Amen. QUOTE:- Expectation triggers collection.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 05:24:23 +0000

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