THURSDAY 8 AUGUST 2013 YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM GOD Daniel 5:1 - - TopicsExpress


THURSDAY 8 AUGUST 2013 YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM GOD Daniel 5:1 - 12 OVERVIEW The evils done by king Nebuchadnezzar, did not teach his son king Belshazzar to fear or hallow the God of Israel and His vessels. To mock God and His people, he ordered for and drank wine with God’s Holy vessels with infidels Vs 2 & 3. The height of his spiritual assault in Vs 4, made a man (God’s) fingers to appear and wrote visibly on the wall Vs 5. Their merriment stopped as the king’s wise men could not interpret the writings that destabilized the king Vs 6 - 9. The queen, who new the excellent spirit of God in Daniel, in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, was right to suggest Daniel for the great unveiling task to calm down the kings worries Vs 10 - 12. Most persons have the opportunities to rewrite the wrongs they or their parents/predecessors committed but failed. You find these in the family, vocations, communities and lately in the church, where God’s vessels ought to remain Holy. For fame or position, if you defile or destroy the Holy things/servants of God, you are in for a sleepless night with death knocking at your door except you recognize God’s writings/warnings. Wives should encourage husbands to seek counsel from true servants of God, while God’s servants should always stand out in integrity. Appreciate how Lydia received Jesus with an excellent spirit amongst other miracles Acts 16:14 - 17. TONIC POINT (1)Defiling of the things of God is costly Vs 1 - 4. (2)God is also writing, can’t you see Vs 5 - 9. (3)Get back to God/His servants for help Vs 10 - 12. FOCUS OF THE DAY A Sincerely return to Jesus brings forgiveness and restoration. PRAYER POINT Pray God not to allow you continue in the evil ways of your parents. HELP: Acts 16:6 - 24. Extracted from Daily Tonics 8th August 2013 by Ap.Dr SKC and Prophetess BCO Osuji GET YOUR COPIES!!!
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 13:26:44 +0000

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