THURSDAY IS THE DAY OF LORD VISHNU, GURU, SHIRDI SAI BABA AND LORD BRIHASPATI. OM NAMO NARAYANAYA - This is an Asta-Akshari Mantram - meaning mantram with 8 syllables. An 8 syllabled mantram refers to the ONE beyond the 7 planes of Existence, who also simultaneously resides in all the 7 planes. His colour is BLUE. His number is 8. His nature is to establish, to synthesise and to harmonise. Narayana represents the Path of Waters (of Life) in their involutionary and evolutionary cycles. "NA" stands for the Evolutionary Path from gross to subtle. "RA" stands for the Involutionary Path from subtle to gross. "AYANA" stands for the cyclic movement of the waters (of Life). Among the Fires, Narayana represents the Electric Fire and He governs the Law of Synthesis. He is invoked for all self-transformation purposes. Thursdays, 11th Moon Phases, Winter Solstice days and the months of Sagittarius and Capricorn are particularly devoted to Him for all spiritual practices. The mantram also helps departing souls to find the right/commendable direction after death (physical). It is the most effective mantram for healing purposes. It is sung by all the healing groups on Thursdays and on the 11th Moon Phases in the World Teacher Trust groups in North, Central, and South America, Europe arid India. The Centre for Narayana in you is the Higher Heart Centre. The Higher Heart Centre is in between the Heart Centre and the Throat Centre. This is the Eight Centre with eight petals. The secret of this Centre is not revealed in the Yoga books and it is only known to the Initiates. This eight petal Lotus is different form the 12 petal Heart Lotus which is generally described in the Yoga books. The Lord of the 12 petal Lotus is Vasudeva, who sacrifices himself to dwell within the zodiac of 12 sun signs. The Lord of the 8 petal Lotus is Narayana who sits and presides over all involutionary and evolutionary processes of Creation. He is the Lord of the Wheel of Creation. The chief key to the Vedic Mantrams, Bhagavata and Vishnu Purana are lost to many scholars who interpreted those Scriptures due to the lack of knowledge relating to the distinction between these two Lotuses. The great Initiates Sankaracharya and Ramanujacharya explained these Lotuses thoroughly. The Cosmic Synthesis manifests through the 2nd Logos, the Cosmic 2nd Ray, and, is the Avatar that descends from time to time to re-establish the Law by neutralising the excessive evil whenever such evil tries to overpower. When the Lord of Synthesis descends, He is called Vishnu in the Vedic terminology and Christos in the occidental world. The Lord of Synthesis is continuously invoked in all the secret Ashrams of all important mountain ranges all over the globe. Chant the mantram in multiples of 8, invoking the electric blue colour in the higher Heart Centre. The Mantra can also be invoked from Sahasrara to Muladhara and vice-versa as follows: Start by uttering OM encircling all the body from head to toe. Then invoke the sound NA visualising the Sahasrara Centre, then MO in the Ajna, NA in the Visuddhi, RA in the Anahata, YA in the Manipuraka, NA in Svadistana, YA in the Muladhara. Again invoke OM encircling all the body from head to toe. Then start invoking the sound NA in the Base Centre, MO in the Sacral Centre, NA in the Solar Plexus, RA in the Heart Centre, YA in the Throat Centre, NA in the Brow Centre, and YA in the Head Centre. Likewise it can be done as many times as one is inclined to. The symbol is: the Symbol of Perfection.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 07:11:37 +0000

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