THURSDAY MORNING DEVOTION:LEARNING TO HATE THIS WORLD. The Preacher said:WHAT PROFIT HATH A MAN OF ALL HIS LABOUR WHICH HE TAKETH UNDER THE SUN?...he continues:One generation passeth away,and another generation cometh:but the earth abideth for everEcclesistes 1:3-4.These words of the preacher resonates with our experience!They strike a cord of agreement with our situation!Vanity of Vanities indeed!Men labour indeed,they study hard and only to die when they are about to start work to reap their labour!Men accumulate wealth ,only to die with nothing except one set of clothing and shoes to cover their nakedness as they are lowerred six feet under into a journey of no return in the gloomy grave!Men spend bilions just to look good in these mordern days of fashion and ClASS only to go HOME poor!The grave awaits,its not satisfied!Yet until we witness the loss of a beloved one,does the reality sink in but ALAS!its just for a moment before we are back to our usual self of hot pursuit of Pleasure in a world that has remained unfriendly ever since our first parents sinned!Hedonism(the pursuit and obsession with pleasure)is killing us today!Momentarilly,we forget that the wheels of this earthly train are off and disaster is imminent!There is no God,retorted a middle aged woman who decided GOD was unfair!She had just been retrenched and upon reaching home she heard of another bad news:her daughter had died in an accident!As if that was not enough,the same day earlier,she had discoverd her husband of 30 years,had actually been cheating on her and that he was going to leave for anoher young woman!Her pastor ,trying to console her but she retorted over and overThere is no GodHow can it be?Where is God when I need him?,she questioned.Brothers and Sisters,if nothing makes us to yearn for our home,it is because there is something terribly wrong with us somewhere!If the problems of this world do not stir up a nolstagic feeling of wanting to go home,it is because we are deep in sin!If the uncertainties of the unfriendly wilderness called earth does not make us sigh and cry,it is evidence indeed that Satan is entangling us!It took the whole year,for this disaster striken woman to come out of self pity,sorry party and self exonorating state!She stumbled into a scripture called Job!There, she saw the man who did not understand what GOD was up to, but stuck with him!He did not comprehend the details around his terrible experience!To him,it was unfair!To him it was punishment!Yes brethren!But his faith carried him!I know my redeemer lives JOB:19:25 .He was saying these words even as his heart fought against his mind!His heart said surely God loves you,surely he cares,surely he will answer you!But the mind looks at the ouside and it says:I dont see help!I dont see God!.No man can claim to understand God!If they do,they are LIARS!Sometimes it feels as if he is far away,it seems as if it is retribution,it looks like the Master is uninterested!But its ok to feel like that!But our faith in trusting him should remain intact!Feelings and faith dont mix!ASAPH envied men who seemed to have no trouble(PSALMS 73)but he said,when he entered the SANCTUARY,he understood!It made sense!(Psalms 73:17)He entered by FAITH!Yes Faith brethren!Faith is the key!Faith presupposes that somehow one can not fully understand therefore the need to believe without fully understanding!Infact, to fully understand means God ceases to be God and therefore faith is negated!Yet my Bible says FAITH is a prerequisite!Without it,its impossible to please God!(Hebrews 11:6).We are to hate this world!We are to protest!We are to rise in defiance to Satans usurped rule!Yes prince of the air,as our master called satan,is a spurious ruler!The title deeds are ours but he tricked our parents!In this world ,you shall have tribulationwas our masters Warning!!Shall we then expect favours from this world?Shall we anticipate smiles from the enemy of truth?God forbid that we bow our heads in self pity!God forbid that we flinch from duty!God forbid that we entertain blame game!We are to be soldiers!Strong and fierce!Faithful and persevering.Steadfast and enduaring!Fervent and persistent!God has not placed in us a spirit of fear,but of POWER,Of LOVE and A SOUND MIND!(2 Timthy 1:7)A sound mind that discerns error and that decidedly chooses his master!BY the rivers of Babylon,there we sat down,yea,we wept,when we remmembered ZionPsalms 137:1 .Yes brethren,we will weep,yes we will cry sometimes,yes satan will make us mourn like job,doubt like John the Baptist,persecute like Paul,disbelieve like Thomas Didums,fornicate like SAMSON,apostate like Solomon...but...but...never STAY THERE!Never pity yourself!Never lose hope!Never allow man to condemn you!Never let demons control you!ARISE and fight for your soul!Arise and fight for your destiny!Help is on the way!Its just a matter of time!Its just a matter of time!Behold the hand of the Lord is not shortened that he can not serve,nor his ears deaf that he can not hearIsaiah 59:1.Buckle up!None is safe!None is secure!Stand your ground!Let satan have your possessions!Let him touch your body!But NEVER allow him to determine your DESTINY!You are pre-ordained already!Your masions are waiting!Your seat ready!Let all who fear God pray the prayer of David when he says:Lord,I cry unto thee:make haste unto me;give ear unto my voice,when I cry unto thee,let my prayer be set forth before thee,as incense:and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrificePsalms 141:1-2
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 05:15:12 +0000

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