THURSDAY NIGHT WITH BBC TELEVISION PROGRAMME - DOCTOR WHO 07 August 2014 - 8pm WATCHING “IN ORDER” EVERY EPISODE Since November 2010 Hosted Weekly By Ben, Earl Of Darlow – American Flat – Topeka, Kansas Everyone Invited - Contact By The Wednesday For Location NINTH DOCTOR – CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON – SEASON 1 (SEASON 28) - 2005 STORY 159 – CODE 1.3 – “THE UNQUIET DEAD” – 1 EPISODE – 45 MINUTES COMPANION(S): Rose Tyler/Bad Wolf ENEMY(IES): The Gelth FEATURING: Author Charles Dickens NINTH DOCTOR – CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON – SEASON 1 (SEASON 28) - 2005 STORY 160A (160) – CODE 1.4 – “ALIENS OF LONDON” – 1 EPISODE – 45 MINUTES COMPANION(S): Rose Tyler/Bad Wolf ENEMY(IES): The Slitheen FEATURING: Mickey Smith, Jackie Tyler, Politician Harriet Jones STORY – The dead are roaming the streets of 1869 Cardiff when the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler arrive, just in time for Christmas. Teaming up with Charles Dickens, the TARDIS team encounter the Gelth, creatures sucked through the Cardiff Rift from the other end of the universe, their home lost. Surely inhabiting dead bodies is wrong, though! Can both sides be helped, or are these gaseous creatures not to be trusted? STORY - The Ninth Doctor takes his new companion, Rose Tyler, to the year 5,000,000,000 to see the sun expand and destroy the Earth. The observation deck space station, Platform One, is holding an event with the richest beings of the time observing the Earths destruction, but mysterious metal spiders gifted by the Adherents of the Repeated Meme to the other guests are secretly infiltrating and sabotaging the station. BACKGROUND – The Unquiet Dead was the third story in series one of Doctor Who. It was the first episode of the BBC Wales series to be set in the past, relative to the viewer. It was also the first to feature an extended encounter with a historical figure from Earths past since Timelash. From a production perspective, it was significant for being writer Mark Gatiss first televised Doctor Who episode. This episode features the first appearance of the Cardiff Space-Time Rift which would reappear this series in Boom Town, as well as the initial focus of Torchwood for its first two series. Though set at Christmastime, this story is not a fully-fledged Christmas special, constrained to the average 45-minute format of most episodes in the revived series. However, it is the closest episode Christopher Ecclestons era has to an actual Christmas special, with the actor leaving the role before the end of 2005. Instead, his successor would film the special to close out that year. BACKGROUND – Aliens of London was the fourth story in the first series of Doctor Who. It was notable for featuring the first cliffhanger in the BBC Wales run, by virtue of starting the first two-part story. Keeping cliffhangers in the show allowed Davies to expand the plot and restore a well remembered part of the original series. The episode introduced the Slitheen, who would return to Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures. It marked the first appearances of Toshiko Sato, who would later feature as a regular character on Torchwood, and the recurring character of British politician Harriet Jones. It also introduced UNIT to the revived series. One of its legacies — sometimes forgotten by writers — was offered in its pre-title sequence. As the Ninth Doctor mistakenly brought Rose Tyler one year into the viewers future, the present day of Doctor Who and its two BBC Wales spinoffs were generally considered to be one year later than the year of initial broadcast. It was also the final episode of Doctor Who to have any portion recorded at BBC Television Centre. HOST - Earl of Darlow, Rev. Ben Brian C. Buckles, is from both the United Kingdom (County Antrim, Northern Ireland) and the United States of America (Kansas); He lives in London, England, and in the Topeka, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri Metro Areas. He grew up in London watching the “BBC Television” programme “Doctor Who”. The “Fourth Doctor” is His “Doctor”. He owns one of the largest collections of “Doctor Who” materials and memorabilia, specialising in print materials, such as books, comics, magazines, scripts, posters, drawings, photography, art, and other releases. He also owns all television, audio/radio, and theatre programme episodes. He also owns way too many “Doctor Who” action figures, toys, games, and other types of memorabilia. The weekly group He hosts, dedicated to viewing all of the “Doctor Who” episodes “in order”, has received world-wide recognition, and has broken a record for continual viewing; it is now in its third year, currently watching episodes of the Ninth Doctor.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 00:16:53 +0000

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