THURSDAY OF WEEK 33 (Rev 5:1-14/ Ps 149/ Luke 19:41-45) In Rev - TopicsExpress


THURSDAY OF WEEK 33 (Rev 5:1-14/ Ps 149/ Luke 19:41-45) In Rev 3:7, we discover that no one can contradict what Jesus wills, does or decrees. When he opens, no one can close; and when he closes, no one can open. In other words, Jesus has the power to change the status set and confirmed by any other authority. Yes, this is so because Jesus is Lord and God. In todays text, Rev 5, Jesus is presented as the one who has no limitation. He is beyond everyone and can do what no one is capable of doing. Beyond that, he freely and lovingly does those things that are impossible for all others in order to put us at peace in ourselves and with all creation. He will not look on for his own beloved John to weep of disappointment. In him (Jesus), we will discover the problem but we will not be defeated. His delays are never denials. He is the breaker of all kinds of seals. It becomes unthinkable for one to a live outside Jesus, ignore him or disbelieve in him. Only disaster awaits those who desert him; for outside Jesus, there is nothing good or trustworthy. Jerusalem receives the unfortunate prophecy of a coming disaster because they did not recognize the hour of their visitation. May we not be another Jerusalem. Let us fully embrace Jesus in Word and deed, in Scriptural Reading and Prayer, in Worship and a life of service. Yes, this is our time of visitation. Let us not forfeit these gracious moments of our lives. No one knows tomorrow except Jesus. To trust him and embrace him today is to prepare for a glorious tomorrow.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 21:09:23 +0000

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