>>>>>>>>THURSDAY SERVICE UPDATES>>>>>>>> Message: Engaging in - TopicsExpress


>>>>>>>>THURSDAY SERVICE UPDATES>>>>>>>> Message: Engaging in the heavenlies 2: Creating your miracle Scripture: Luke 5:1-14 The order of God is not the order of men. God began by creating the roof (the heavens) and then the earth. When the concept is released through His word it becomes accessible to us. You need thoughts that are communicated to you. Whenever God said let there be it was a decree of the Lord which brought existence where there was no existence. He spoke an idea so that the idea could become reality. God does not establish his thoughts, He establishes His words. Knowing that God wants to do good to you is not enough until His thoughts are announced. There are a lot of things God wants to do in your life, but knowing that God wants to do something in your life is not good enough. One of the first things you need in your life before you start talking of signs and wonders is the identity factor because God said let us create men in our own likeness and image. Therefore if the image wants to know how to function; it has to look up to where it was copied from. If you can see how God functions; then you can know how to function. Every photocopy has an original but the problem is we have photocopies who do not know their origin. God created a computer that would function like Him, so when God created a human being He created a computer that He downloaded His system into. A computer can recognize its owner’s face, voice and say “access granted”; the same thing applies with us: We are supposed to be able to recognize our designer. The challenge is that we have people who are failing to recognize their designer; we need to come to a place where the accessory understands its creator. The challenge starts when people cry out to God to give them a miracle; whereas they are miracles themselves. When God was creating a human being; the angels were watching to see what God was making. When a man’s heart stops pumping; you need to electrocute that person so they can come back to life, therefore when God breathed life into a human being; the breathe of life contained something in it. Electricity is power, so when a human received the breathe of life; he received power. You are created to contain power. “Adam; your power is not limited to subduing, it can also multiply and cause you to be fruitful.” The power to be fruitful and dominion cannot be released at the same time. Adam can carry the first stage of being fruitful but he cannot carry the second stage, the woman can carry the fruit but not the seed. Modesty that carries ignorance is not modesty, it is ignorance gone rampant. People think ignorance is humility but ignorance is not humility! There is a level of depth of understanding your God that revolutionizes how you know your God. We have a challenge of people who do not know to synchronize who God is and who they are. God orders His miracle through a word; if you are made in the image and likeness of God then you should be able to carry that which is of God inside you. You can create by your words because you understand who you are.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 20:17:13 +0000

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