THURSDAY THOUGHTS: This time of the year everyone wants to get - TopicsExpress


THURSDAY THOUGHTS: This time of the year everyone wants to get into the holiday spirit. But spending too much time at the buffet and bar at parties, at crowded stores stressing out about finding the perfect gifts, and skimping on sleep and exercise can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to a whole host of winter illnesses. Cold sores and fever blisters can be a common occurrence, especially this time of year. Usually cold sores crop up when youre stressed, tired, sick, suffering from PMS, or in the sun for a long time (even in winter), and last about 10 to 12 days. They can be very painful, making eating, drinking and even talking difficult not to mention there unsightly appearance. Our Dr. Bens Lip Balm is a great choice to help the healing and pain associated with cold sores and fever blisters. We use all natural ingredients rich in moisturizing and healing properties. They contain no artificial colors or preservatives, making them a great choice for those individuals with allergies to either. You can find them at our check out counter in a variety of flavors. Another reason for these types of outbreaks and blisters is due to the statistic that between 50% to 80% of Americans have herpes simplex virus type 1, which remains in the body and can cause an outbreak of fluid-filled blisters at any time. We offer Acyclovir Lip Balm which is an excellent prescription compound to aid the healing of these type of outbreaks. So please stop by TigeRx Pharmacy today, and let our friendly pharmacists and staff help you and your family on the road to health and wellness. Here For You, Ready To Help
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:41:51 +0000

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