THURSDAY THREATS TO IBA: SHARING AIBOC LETTER DT. 09.08.2014 ALL INDIA BANK OFFICERS’ CONFEDERATION (Registered under the Trade Unions Act 1926, Registration No.:3427/Delhi) C/o Bank of India, Parliament Street Branch PTI Building, 4, Parliament Street, New Delhi:110001 Phone:011-23730096 Tel/Fax 23719431 E-Mail: aiboc.sectt@gmail Circular No. 2014/56 Date: 09/08/2014 TO ALL AFFILIATES/MEMBERS Dear Comrades, DELAY IN 10th BIPARTITE WAGE REVISION-NEGOTIATIONS Please refer to our circular No. 2014/55 of date, attaching reply of Indian Banks’ Association dated 8th August, 2014, in response to the letter dated 5th August, 2014 of United Forum of Bank Unions. We are appending, here below, response sent on date by the Convenor, UFBU to the aforesaid reply of IBA, for your information. With Revolutionary Greetings, Yours comradely, (HARVINDER SINGH) GENERAL SECRETARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED FORUM OF BANK UNIONS (AIBEA/AIBOC/NCBE/AIBOA/INBEF/INBOC/NOBW/NOBO STATE BANK BUILDINGS, BANK STREET, HYDERABAD-500095 K.K.NAIR-CHAIRMAN /// M.V.MURALI-CONVENOR UFBU/IBA/2014/68 OF 09.08.2014 The Chief Executive, Indian Banks Association, World Trade Centre Complex, Centre-1, 6th Floor, Cuffe Parade, MUMBAI-400005. Dear Sir, 10th BIPARTITE WAGE REVISION - NEGOTIATIONS We acknowledge receipt of your letter No. HR & IR/UFBU/XBPS-4/465 dated the 8th August, 2014. As advised earlier, it is desirable to take forward the negotiations in the interests of everyone to create a better atmosphere and avoid unpleasantness. It is quite natural that the negotiation process contains agreements/disagreements and warrants reasonable efforts for arriving at a consensus on the areas of disagreements. For the purpose, the negotiations need to continue considering the interests of everyone concerned towards expeditious settlement. The process of negotiation was similar even in the earlier bipartite negotiations, where consensus was arrived at and finality was reached subsequent to reconciliation of differences through negotiations. It will not out of place to mention here that even the Negotiating Committee of IBA has not offered the increase in wages to the tune of 11% of pay slip components at one stroke but in stages during the course of negotiations. Hence, we request you to immediately resume the wage negotiations, without any further delay, so as to exchange our views and explore the possibility of reconciling the differences and arriving at a consensus by taking a balanced view to ensure expeditious settlement of Tenth Bipartite Wage Settlement. Please treat the matter as EXTREMELY URGENT and we shall be glad to have your immediate response in this regard. Please acknowledge receipt of this communication and advise us the position. With best regards, Yours sincerely, Sd/- M.V.MURALI CONVENOR COPY TO ALL CONSTITUENTS UNITS OF UFBU
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:04:35 +0000

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