THURSDAY TIT-BITS: SHARING AIBOC CIRCULAR OF 17.06.2014 ON AIBOC WEST BENGAL STATE UNIT: ALL INDIA BANK OFFICERS’ CONFEDERATION (Registered under the Trade Unions Act 1926, Registration No.:3427/Delhi) C/o Bank of India, Parliament Street Branch PTI Building, 4, Parliament Street, New Delhi:110001 Phone:011-23730096 Tel/Fax 23719431 E-Mail: aiboc.sectt@gmail Circular No.2014/44 Dated: 17/06/2014 TO ALL MEMBERS/AFFILIATES/STATE UNITS Dear Comrades, 10 TH TRIENNIAL STATE COUNCIL OF AIBOC (WEST BENGAL STATE UNIT) 15th June, 2014 is registered in the history of West Bengal State Unit and also of the Confederation, which has reaffirmed the path of solidarity, unity and cohesiveness among all the affiliates of the Unit. The 10th Triennial State Council of AIBOC West Bengal State was successfully held on the day at the Asutosh Birth Centenary Hall, Kolkata. Delegates & observers from across the length and breadth of the state as per entitlement of the affiliates of the Confederation participated in the conference. Activists of West Bengal unit thronged the venue in large numbers to witness the historical event. The function began with unfurling of AIBOC flag by Com. S.R. Sengupta, Com. Harvinder Singh, Com. R.R. Roy, Com. Suprito Sarkar, Com, A.K. Jana, Com. Dipankar Mukherjee, Com. Dipankar Mitra, Com. N.N. Bhattacherjee and other leading lights of the Organisation, past and present amidst slogans ranting the air with a true reflection of the strength, vitality and dynamism of our Organisation and our readiness to face the challenges looming large. Inaugural song by Sri Debadrita Chattopadhya was followed by the lighting of the divine lamp by the leaders on the dais. The meeting was presided over by Com. Nirmal Bari, President of the State Committee. Com. Sanjay Das, Secretary of the State Committee in his welcome address recollected that the history of trade union movement is intermingled with the rich heritage and legacy of the city Kolkata. And organizing such an event in a Hall named after “The Tiger of Bengal” Sir Ashutosh Mookherjee reminiscences the uncompromising daunting attitude of the great person towards ill initiatives of the authority that has been inherited by our mighty organization – AIBOC. He gave a big capital and warm welcome to all the dignitaries, delegates, observers, activists of different affiliates. Com. S.R. Sengupta, Com. R.R. Roy, Com. Suprito Sarkar, Com. A.K. Jana ,Com. Dipankar Mitra, Com. Dipankar Mukherjee, Com. Nagen Bhattacherjee while giving their blessings and good wishes touched upon the issues and challenges before banking industry and its trade union movement. Recalling the past memories and the challenges waded over through relentless struggles, the leaders of the yester year’s reposed full confidence on the State Committee and were definite that it will continue to protect the interest and pride of the officers’ community. They all wished the delegate session a grand success. Com. Harvinder Singh, General Secretary of AIBOC delivered the key note address and emphasised the need for large scale participation of the young brigade of officers who has recently joined, to keep the continuity of the organization. He explained in detail the various aspects of the wage negotiation talks and stressed on the need to have united struggles to ensure a fair and reasonable salary rise. He also dealt in detail the various industry level developments. He indicated that with change of guard in the Centre, future ahead of us holds lot many challenges which, among others, include keeping the nationalized sector intact. Time ahead will be the struggle for our existence, he added. Appreciating the militancy of the West Bengal State Unit, he praised the efforts made by the State Committee particularly in bringing the leaders of all the Banks in the State under one roof with a common goal and objective. It is exceedingly gratifying for the State Committee that in keeping with the rich tradition, rich heritage and dignity of the session, the conference had the benign presence of almost all the senior leaders of the movement who led the entire bank officers’ movement of the country. Inaugural session was ended with vote of thanks given by Com. Soumya Dutta , President of SBI, Bengal circle. Business Session: The Business Session of AIBOC WB State Unit began in the second half of the day with the presence of the valiant delegates and observers from the affiliates .Com.Nirmal Bari presided over the session.In his presidential speech he touched upon many of the issues and challenges before banking industry and its trade union movement . Secretary Com. Sanjay Das presented before the house the Secretary’s Report for period September 2011 to June 2014 which was circulated earlier. The entire house paid homage by observing a minute’s silence in memory to the important and eminent personalities whom we lost during the period under review at the national and international arena and whose contributions to the society are unforgettable. Com Das Secretary also presented the Resolutions to be adopted in the meeting. Com. Ujjal Adak, Treasurer, presented the Audited accounts for the period. Good number of delegates from various affiliates deliberated on the report and spoke on contemporary issues. After the Secretary replied all the points raised by the delegates, the house unanimously adapted the General Secretary’s Report with a thundering ovation by all present. Resolutions on various subjects were moved and passed unanimously. The accounts were also passed. Election to the Executive Committee of AIBOC( WBSU) Com. Goutam Debnath of Allahabad Bank, Com. Goutam Das of SBI and Com. Dipankar Mitra of UCO Bank were appointed as the Returning Officers by the delegates . A panel of candidates for all the posts were proposed by Com. Debmallya Mitra, General Secretary of Allahabad Bank(West Bengal State) and seconded by Com. Tapas Mitra a delegate from Bank of India. In absence of any other nomination received within the time limit fixed by the Returning Officer, the entire panel was declared elected unopposed for the next Triennial period 2014-2017. Com. Soumya Dutta, President of SBIOA (Bengal Circle) and Com. Sanjay Das, General Secretary of Bank of India Officers’ Association (E.I.) were elected President and Secretary respectively. Other committee members from various affiliates also named and declared elected by the Election Commissioner. The Business Session was concluded with national Anthem in a grand manner. The delegates attending the Tenth Triennial State Council shall remember the day divided into Inaugural Session and Business Session with the slogan “One Family, One Unit, One Goal” ranting the air, for a long time to come. The occasion has enlivened trade union sprits in the hearts of all the delegates present. We convey our greetings to the newly elected team of office bearers and entire membership of the State Unit. !! LONG LIVE AIBOC !! With revolutionary greetings, Comradely yours, (HARVINDER SINGH) GENERAL SECRETY
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 04:33:26 +0000

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