THUS says the SPIRIT of the LORD~ My anointing is UPON you like - TopicsExpress


THUS says the SPIRIT of the LORD~ My anointing is UPON you like never before, I have enabled you, GREATER works than these shall ye DO! Dont see the CHALLENGES, am BIGGER and GREATER than them all. CALL ME, ASK OF ME and you shall my FLOOD OF GLORY says the SPIRIT! Hallelujah! The Hand of God is resting upon you! YOU are a STAR! BURNING and SHINNING so bright and illuminating your world! Set apart, separated, Chosen and called out for MARVELOUS works! YOU are EXCELLENT YOU are SMART! You a WORLD OVERCOMER You are a WORLD-CHANGER You are a NATIONS TAKER A GLOBAL SOUL WINNER You are SAGACIOUS! With DEFINED and REFINED WISDOM!!! LIGHT of the WORLD! HEALER of the NATIONS! RESTORER of BROKEN PATHS! GIVER OF LIFE, the WORLD is YOURS in the Name of Jesus! Everywhere that you go, everything that you do is the BEST, cause you are the BEST! YOU are a CHAMPION! At every level of LIFE, you are a SUCCESS! DECLARE! I cant think FAILURE! I cant comprehend failure! I DONT DO FAILURE! I DO NOT FAIL, FAIL, ME, I DONT FAIL! It is not consistent with my NATURE! I am a SUCCESS!!! THE WISDOM OF GOD IS WORKING IN ME! I cant think otherwise, the WORD of GOD has given me a mentality! I have the MENTALITY of a CHAMPION! It doesnt matter who my parents are, or where I come from, I CAN ACCEPT only GOOD and GLORIOUS things! Anything else NO! I DONT ACCEPT NEGATIVITIES!!! God is doing a NEW THING in my LIFE! The world will stand in AWE! As they behold His the EFFULGENCE of HIS GLORY in ME! I REFUSE to STOP where others have stopped! In the Name of Jesus! Theres no LIMIT for ME! I AM THE STANDARD! The WORD of GOD made FLESH, consolidating MEN to CHRIST everywhere that I go! I am a GLOBAL SOUL WINNER in the Name of Jesus! NATIONS that know not the LORD, will come to Him because of Me! They shall hear the VOICE of the SPIRIT in my WORDS! They shall have counsel and directions through me! For the WORDS that I speak! GLOOOORRRYYY! Haya! The WORDS that I speak are SPIRIT and LIFE! My WORDS are setting the captives free, healing the sick, giving lives a meaning, helping the oppressed in the NAME of Jesus! By the POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST! Everytime is my SEASON! A NEW GLORIOUS SEASON that OPENED for ME! Its always my SEASON! To do wondrous works for the LORD! I KNOW WHAT TO DO, HOW TO DO IT, WHEN TO DO IT by the POWER of the HOLY GHOST! I am BLESSED and HIGHLY FAVOURED! I am MARVELOUSLY HELPED by the LORD! Hey! Hallelujah! The WORD of GOD is like FIRE shut up in my BONES! The FULLNESS of God is being revealed to my WORLD everywhere that I GO! I am UNITED with the SPIRIT of GOD! I do BIG THINGS! I am from ABOVE! I am not from this WORLD I HAIL from GOD! I have the NATURE and PERSONALITY of GOD! Therefore I decree and declare CHANGES in my HOME in the Name of Jesus! Every mountain is pulled down in the Name of Jesus! I have become a SOLUTION in my Job, at Home, in my street, everywhere that I go in the Name of Jesus!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:08:03 +0000

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