THY WORD IS TRUTH...SETTLED IN HEAVEN...EXALTED ABOVE HIS VERY NAME.. Truth is a beautiful thing. Pure, Holy, resounding, without shame. Lie is evil, lie is cold. Truth will make you smile. Truth gives you the will to continue in the face of conflict. Lie will make you stumble in the dark. The lip of Truth is established forever but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Trusting in false doctrine is like expecting a blessing, but reaping a curse. Fools walk the path of wide road doctrine and end up smarting for it eternally. Love the truth and keep it close. TRUTH is the deciding factor, not Oh how much I love Jesus. If you do not LOVE SOUND BIBLICAL TRUTH you DO NOT love Jesus. Stop saying you do, when you simple DO NOT. You simply do not love that which is holy, but that which is profane. You love the Lord of the flies. All heaven scorns at your feeble attempts of true worship. Worship involves TRUTH. When the Truth is not honored, it is no longer WORSHIP....Beware lest you continually offer up STRANGE FIRE to an ALL-CONSUMING GOD.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 07:56:03 +0000

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