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◘ THe vaChina Leaker ◘ Direct web translation in English by BoB ◘ ▼ US repeatedly sounding in the South China Sea issue, how to deal with China ▼ ◘ Source: Defense Reference Author: Zhu Ling Editor: CMS 2015-01-12 17:20 Share to: Facebook Summary US encouraged China to Tibet, Xinjiang independence, through the divide and rule to undermine Chinas aim abundantly clear, but also encouraged the South China Sea, South China Sea neighboring countries complicate matters, on the formation of Chinas famous U-shaped surround. For China, the game is related to the vital interests of the South China Sea issue, the right to speak to improve the reliability and strength is very important. International relations theory neorealism (from realist theory, emphasizing the international architecture acts of state constraints) and the neo-liberal theory (emphasizing the international system constraints on state action) after convergence, constructivism (emphasizing the concept of national behavior and interests of the formation of the role) rise. The linguistics is one of the three major sources of constructivist theory, whereby they and international relations discourse linked. Hegemonic discourse refers to a country by virtue of its strong economic and military strength, will own values on other countries through language, it gradually accept hegemonic discourse system States. In todays field of international relations, the international system is a liberal hegemonic order established by the United States and, therefore, the right to speak will be dominated by the United States. Even in academia, international relations, Chinas voice is also very weak. Hegemonic discourse can influence Bloomfield stimulus response theory clearly reflected in a nutshell, is the issue of external stimuli country A, B countries to respond to the stimulus, A State of the attitudes and behavior of country B will react again, eventually there will be a stimulating event overall reaction results. If a country on the wrong interpretation of the language of another country, then there is likely to cause unnecessary conflict. Therefore, the national association, the language is very important. In view of this, in political analysis, political discourse analysis also prominently, constitute an important impact on the political process and the actual results. For example, in the US bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, the United States in terms of the choice of apology on there is much to apologize for this term, the two foreign ministries had also launched a struggle, it is notable examples of the impact of international political process language . Hegemonic discourse of this paper refers to the hegemonic discourse and politics, but also put the political discourse is limited to political discourse. The National Security Strategy of the United States today is basically the equivalent of a large strategic concept, academics generally agree that the new isolationism selective intervention cooperative security and America first such a division. Recalling the history of the United States, it can be seen that whenever the United States and abroad crisis occurs, there is always the voice of isolationism appeal, however, the United States, Gods chosen people, Manifest Destiny, the national character also makes it difficult to shrink to the mainland. USA Today called Gean balance grand strategy in the beginning of the design should aim to guarantee the safety of offshore energy lifeline, and the use of the balance-of-power allies in East Asia, both to avoid excessive involvement in Asian affairs, but also by its military superiority Allies help balance China. After the Middle East, the United States contracted, encouraging Chinese Tibet, Xinjiang independence, through the divide and rule to undermine Chinas aim abundantly clear, but also encouraged the South China Sea, South China Sea neighboring countries complicate matters, the formation of Chinas famous U-shaped surround . America with its powerful, smart and efficient conduct of internal friction between the Asian countries so that, himself beneficiary. South China Sea is not only oil, rich in natural gas and fishery resources, but also an important strategic value. After World War II, especially after the 1970s, with the energy issues become increasingly prominent, and some Southeast Asian countries on the Spratly islands or reefs waters claim of sovereignty. The end of the Cold War and the Soviet Union changed the US presence in Asia, making the United States first became dominant in the region. 2001s 9.11 incident has tentacles extending to the US forces in Central Asia and South Asia, and now high-profile return to never leave the East. In the United States the worlds 16 important route control, and the South China Sea are directly or indirectly linked to the Strait of Malacca, Sunda Strait and the Makassar Strait, which is not only a strategic hub of global trade traffic arteries, or military action. From the perspective of discourse analysis, the South China Sea may contain two aspects: First, the US macro discourse with its construction of the world order and the international system, a rule-based; the second is the United States, Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia and other countries through the news Some reports published in the media, is the voice of the micro-level. Discourse analysis carried out from the micro-level, the US hegemonic discourse South China Sea has two features were described as follows: The first is to confuse the concept , from the President to the United States department of government officials, as well as non-governmental think tanks, all with the South China Sea (the South China Sea) this is called. The South China Sea and South China Sea concept and scope are different, if the concept of South China Sea or the south China sea in the international public opinion to promote big plus, even at the end, Chinas own media authorized South China Sea and South China Sea there is no difference, it would undermine the sovereign interests of the South China Sea China. Wikipedia South China Sea concept is: from Singapore and Malacca Straits to the Taiwan Strait, the waters around 3.5 million square kilometers. The South China Sea is in the range of less than the South China Sea, South China Sea issue is less than the current range of the South China Sea, refers only to the Spratly Islands and the waters of some dispute. China not to seize territory and interests of his country, but to protect their legitimate interests, but if not clarify the concept, it is easy to cause tension in the South China Sea in Southeast Asia country sound cable. Moreover, the concept of the South China Sea, including the Chinese and the Paracel Islands and the Dongsha Islands waters, territorial waters did not dispute these are involved in, the Chinese government and the media, if not timely clarification, people with ulterior motives aside historical evidence, then, would China diplomacy In the future, in a passive situation. The second is the use of the media campaign . Whether it is an international conference newspaper, radio, or television, webcast or broadcast, there is the sound of the South China Sea issue in the United States. I looked at the 2014 New York Times, VOA News, and network coverage of the Shangri-La Dialogue, the South China Sea, Chinas sovereignty over the South China Sea declaration challenge for ASEAN, Chinas South China Sea, Vietnam strategy indifferent as the headline news abound, these reports show that not only the position of the United States, and some can also sow discord between China and its neighbors. Such as Chinas South China Sea, Vietnam strategy indifferent, a text, will not help solve the problem, but fuel. Do not report the facts in an objective language, choosing instead to some irritating words were reported on the issues, this may also reflect the position of part of the Americans held. Under certain conditions, these reports may even affect the trend around the South China Sea issue, so this issue should be taken seriously. April 2014, Obamas visit to four Asian countries, Malaysia and the Philippines clearly indicate its position on the South China Sea issue. In Malaysia, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib and Obama issued a joint statement which included political and diplomatic cooperation, trade and investment, security, defense, education, and human relations. In which the political and diplomatic cooperation mentioned South China Sea territorial waters dispute should be resolved through peaceful means, including international arbitration, etc., and should be based on generally accepted principles of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and so on, to resolve territorial disputes. US think tank, New American Security Center proposed to promote American policies South China Sea, the study reports, suggestions for the South China Sea issue, hoping Hagel in Shangri-La Dialogue on that multilateral joint action picture concept. Obama on the G7 summit Support handle the South China Sea maritime disputes through international arbitration means. Sino-US strategic security dialogue meeting, the United States wants China occupied the disputed site from the withdrawal in 2014, returned to the state before April 2012, saying if necessary, also reiterated in the ASEAN Regional Forum. June 2014, the US assistant secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, Russell attended the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting in Yangon, in an interview with reporters, said: April when President Obama visited Malaysia and the Philippines have clarified the position of the South China Sea, then Secretary of State Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel also emphasized on different occasions this position. Russell believes there are two points worth highlighting: First, the United States is a Pacific nation, the military presence in the Asia-Pacific region and the security alliance to maintain the stability of the Asia-Pacific, creating conducive to regional economic development and social stability of the environment; secondly, to peaceful settlement of the conflict through diplomatic means to resolve the dispute within the framework of compliance with international law. In response to a reporters question Bloomberg Singapore, Russell claimed that the threat of force in the South China Sea issue is not acceptable, the United States will be accused of such a frank way. June 25, 2014, Russell Senate Foreign Relations Committee testimony, in the Asia-Pacific region, China has made it mandatory for Chinas neighbors in the South China Sea and East China Sea alarmed. China to take unilateral action in sensitive and controversial areas, but also points to some of Chinas move US allies. In the waters of the United States has an important interest: the freedom of navigation and overflight rights, and trade unimpeded. China is emerging as a big country should not ignore the diplomatic and other peaceful means of settling disputes, economic coercion should not be used to undermine regional stability. US territorial disputes in the South China Sea issue in taking on the issue of sovereignty does not favor any party position, but control the way the dispute related to the interests of the United States and, therefore, the United States wants countries, including China, in a peaceful way to resolve the appeal. British writer Rudyard Kipling once said: East is East and West is West, and the two never met. Today, the East and West not only met, but with the deepening of economic globalization, the East-West economic and cultural aspects deepening exchanges. Therefore, the international discourse and more practical significance. For China, the diplomatic discourse has always been a weakness of the face of American discourse hegemony, China in international public opinion failed to seize the initiative, but was beaten in a passive position in critical, but can not mention in the international discourse constructed play an active role, therefore, in the vital interests of the game is related to Chinas South China Sea issue, improve the reliability and strength of the right to speak is very important. As Professor Shi Bin Nanjing University said: With their own problems, thoughts, and then put some of the concepts, proposition, which will have a discourse real sense. June 1, 2014, by the Peoples Liberation Army Deputy Chief of Staff in the crown and chairman of the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee, led by Fu Ying, Chinese delegation to attend the 13th Asian Security Conference held in Singapore, the Shangri-La Dialogue . At this meeting, the Chinese are more active in the South China Sea issue sound, breaking the US-Japan hegemonic discourse. Abe, at the opening dinner of Chinese insinuated to be attacked, peddling their active pacifism, but this time confront Fu Ying suffered a strong opponent. And when the US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel in the speech, the United States contribution to regional stability, the name China directly, groundless accusations against China to take disruptive behavior in the South China Sea. Fought back in the crown in an interview with reporters, noting Hagel full hegemonic discourse. In addition, the crown in a speech entitled Building Asia Pacific security concept to create a better future, the keynote speech, pointed out that in addition to Abe and Chuck Hagel, echoed each other provocative China, but also actively vocal about Chinas security concept. Careful analysis of the strategy can be seen in the United States, the United States is not good at using the strategy, when the problem becomes intractable always withdraw back to this country. Therefore, China is facing the current situation, to coincide with the United States battles between the two parties, the government closed the Financial tight, the US State Department with a strong voice inevitably treat the South China Sea issue, good to Congress for money. Therefore, the US discourse hegemony in the South China Sea, China need not be too worried. However, on a matter of principle should be back, and a voice to the international community need, pointing out its erroneous statements and declare their reasonable demands. Meanwhile, the United States still faces some challenges. Asias booming trade between countries, it seems to reduce the economic impact of the US in Asia. Indias rising national strength, as well as the United States has been seen as a threat to China, are considered to be the fight for regional hegemony in the region, thereby reducing the interest of the United States. But broadly speaking, the United States in Asia, the goal is to maintain the balance of power in order to maintain US hegemony in the region and the world, by maintaining hegemony continues to gain economic benefits, but the focus is different at different times. Long-term diplomatic strategy is necessary to consider the international situation, but also flexibility in the use of diplomatic discourse. By the international situation, combined with the rise in Chinas international influence, should see the Chinese diplomatic discourse predicament and Chinese strategic discourse construction of urgency. China threat theory is often used to speculation in some countries, therefore, China is still trapped in the dominant discourse among the Western system, your own thoughts and ideas are arbitrary and distorted interpretation, the long run will not be conducive to Chinas development. Construction of Chinese strategic discourse has become necessary, I think we can make efforts in three aspects: First, from the perspective of thinking , it should be mentioned in a common philosophy in the Western media and international conferences, speaking from a philosophical basis, humans are have common needs and the pursuit of, so that it can be recognized and approved in other countries; second, from a theoretical perspective , Western scholars have been learning in the exchange, in an interactive process, voice can be heard and interpret others before you can have the next interaction; third, from a practical perspective , you can refer to the United States to develop language strategies, language and national security linked. Thus, the diplomatic discourse and discourse will have a direction to explore. (Author: Zhu Ling, Nanjing University) ► Related articles ◘ America should not willful and for the manufacture of trouble in the South China Sea issue ◘ US-Japan and India to intervene in the South China Sea dispute or to complicate ◘ China urges the US objective and fair look at and deal with the South China Sea issue
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:25:15 +0000

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