TI-PH Executive Director Dr. Cleo Calimbahin weighs in on - TopicsExpress


TI-PH Executive Director Dr. Cleo Calimbahin weighs in on ill-gotten wealth by public officials: Recently a journalist asked me if corruption is an issue for voters. It is an issue but not enough of an issue. When Estrada ran for president it was somewhat similar. Accusations of commissions and allegations of corrupt practices were hurled against him but people shrugged it off, justified their vote by saying, at least he makes us laugh. It might be the limited sense of government as an advocate, protector and provider of public services coupled with the lack of history of prosecution for corrupt practices in the Philippines. Impunity seems to be the norm. Saying at least he/she gives back while others steal as well but do not give anything back to reason out voting for certain officials makes me wonder why we settle for so little. Prosecution and sanctions (return of stolen wealth) for a public servant who gives back will be a strong message to elected officials engaged in corruption and have nothing even to show for. In the Philippines, we have not been short on exposing corruption stories but for as long there is no prosecution and no sanction (returning the publics money), then elected officials investigated on issues of corruption will continue to have the resources to run and get elected in (higher) office. #ThoughtsfromtheED #TalkingTransparency Read the story on the government recovering $2M allegedly ill-gotten by ex-DOJ Chief Perez on Interaskyon: transparency-ph.org/2014/11/govt-moves-to-recover-2-m-alleged-ill-gotten-wealth-of-ex-doj-chief-perez/
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 10:40:53 +0000

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