TILL THE END I LOVE YOU CHAPTER 9 (PART 2) A taxi - TopicsExpress


TILL THE END I LOVE YOU CHAPTER 9 (PART 2) A taxi stopped in front of the luxury condo. Rina get off from the taxi and ran towards the condo. She straight away run in front of Daehyun’s room. Daehyun ah! Daehyun ah! Open the door please! Rina cried but no response from Daehyun. Rina tried to open the door. Fortunately the door was unlocked. Rina entered the room quickly. Daehyun, im ...... Daehyun !!! Before she could finish her words, she was totally in shock when she saw Daehyun’s body was already on the floor. She rushed to Daehyun. Daehyun ah…Daehyun ah! Jung Daehyun! Wake up! Why do you sleep here?” Rina slapped Daehyun’s cheek slowly but he didn’t response. She put her hands on Daehyun’s forehead. Daehyun ah! You are burning up! Why didn’t you tell me that you are sick?! Haish!” Rina is panic. She took her phone and called Nana. She failed on her first and second trial. But she didn’t stop. She try to call her friend again. This time, Nana picked up the phone but she just silent. Nana! Nana! I know its my fault okay. Please forgive me! Please! Please! Rina beg anxiously. Not to me..but to Daehyun. Nana responsed her with short answer. Nana! Okay! I will! But you have to help me. Daehyun fainted in his room! I- I don’t know what to do! You have to help me Nana. I’m afraid..” Rina said straight to the point. What?! Okay! I ‘ll be there in ten minutes. Don’t panic Rina. Just wait for me okay.” Nana hang up the call. She is still mad at her bestfriend but Rina need her right now. So she has to help her. Because they are bestfriends. Ten minutes later, she arrived at the luxury condo. She took the lift to the fifth floor with her doctor bag. She press the bell. Rina opened the door and hugged her friend. She cried on her shoulder. She is actually afraid that something bad will happend to Daehyun. Now she realize that she actually love her husband so much. Hey, calm down okay. Don’t be afraid. Let me check his condition first. Let’s go. Take me to his room.” Nana said to comfort her bestfriend. She saw Rina is finally crying for Daehyun. Both of them bring Daehyun to his bed. Nana quickly start the examination towards Daehyun. After she give Daehyun an injection, she tucked the blanket up to his chest. She keep all the equipment into her beg. Rina approached her. Nana..how is he?” Rina asked with worry. Shh..let’s get out. We will discuss outside. He needs lots of rest.” Nana brings her friend out from the room. They sat on the couch as Rina listen to her friend explaination. Hurm, Daehyun seems to have a very high fever. To be honest he should be taken to hospital right now. But it’s okay for now. I have gave him injection to reduce his body temperature. Let him sleep for now because his body is so weak. So he needs lots of rest. When he woke up, you have to give him food to gain the strength. If there’s anything, just call me quickly. I have to go now.” Nana explained everything to her friend. Rina nodded slowly. Ah, there is another thing. Youve made the right decision. Im proud of you. Nana said to her friend and give her warm smile. Rina run and hug her friend. Thank you so much! confess Rina with tears. Hurm, welcome. I excused myself for now. Reply Nana then left the condo. After Nana left, Rina went back to Daehyun’s room. She sit on the bed slowly and observe her husband pale face. She slowly take Daehyun’s hot hand and rubbed it slowly. She finally cried by Daehyun side. Daehyun ah, mianhae. Jeongmal mianhae .. Rina continues to cry in silence so she will not disturb her husband. As she is still crying, she suddenly felt hot on her cheeks. Rina open her eyes and she saw Daehyun is wiping her tears and give her a warm smile. Rina finally burst into tears. Don’t cry. Daehyun said weakly. His voice is so husky. Daehyun tried to get up and he finally hugs Rina. Rina cried on his chest. Daehyun. Slowly Daehyun pull her face so that their eyes will meet. Daehyun ah ... Im so sorry ... Its all my fault ... Im so sorry ... Rina pleaded with sob. Shh ... Do not say like that okay. Its okay. Daehyun responsed. Although she was comforted by Daehyun, Rina can’t stop crying. Daehyun let her go slowly. Rina just look down. She is ashamed to face him. Slowly Daehyun pull her face so that their eyes will meet.. Listen here..I will never blame you in this matter. I know how you feel. If I was in your shoes, I will do the same too. You have to marry a stranger like me while you already have yours. You have done nothing wrong Princess. It’s not your fault so please…don’t blame yourself. It hurts me a lot to see you cry and begging like this. I know I am not your first love, but I want you to know that I will always love you because you are the only one in my heart..Jang Rina…I love you..” Daehyun cupped Rina’s lips for the first time after the marriage. Tears of happiness fall down on his cheeks. Rina also reply her husband passionate kiss with her full heart. She also cried of happiness. We start a new life okay? Rina asked after Daehyun release his lips from her. Of course Princess Daehyun response with a very sweet smile. But before that, you need to rest. Your body is still hot. I will make porridge for you. Rest first. I will definitely come back..my Baby Boy.” Rina pinch Daehyun’s cheek and leave the room. A/N: Aww~~ Im melting with Daedae~~ They finally make it up! Baby Boy? Princess? Is it okay to use it as their nicknames?
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:42:52 +0000

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