TIME FOR A REALITY CHECK FOR ALL AMERICAN TYRANTS December 12, 2013 (25) America is now being transformed into an active war zone as part of the phony “war on terror”. The USG and it’s top Policy-Makers are now transforming America (at least in their own minds) into a nationwide active war zone by labeling any American dissident a domestic terrorists and classifying over 50% of all Americans as either terrorists, domestic terrorists or potential domestic terrorists. This ought to send a big chill down every normal person’s spine, even if you who work in the “Federal Family”. This of course is just another ploy to enhance the Industrial Defense complex’s bottom line by bringing war home to America, the first volley of which was fired on 9/11 by the USG and its partners in crime as a Gladio-style inside-job False-Flag attack. So-called “Anti-terrorist” training is provided by those who are actually the world’s top terrorists and originators of world terror. And all those who are in high positions of illegitimate power inside the USG and the Secret Shadow Government (SSG), you should realize that contrary to all your DHS and counter-terrorist training by the ADL and your all expenses-paid “koolaide-drinking” junkets to Israel for training from the world’s top terrorists (who are actually just pretending to be the top fighters of terrorists), you have been grossly misled and probably need a good dose of reality to wake you up. Unless America gets some new non-criminal leadership with serious integrity that is drastically different and starts following the Rule of Law, the Constitution and Bill or Rights, a civil war is probably imminent. DHS and TSA have been completely out of control and are a plague on the land, unconstitutional, criminal enterprises. DHS and TSA are completely incompetent and tools of growing tyranny against the American people. They are bloated and wasteful beyond reason and have no other function except to harass “we the people” and attempt to train folks to be good little slaves. veteranstoday/2013/12/12/reality-check-for-american-tyrants/
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:35:36 +0000

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