TIME FOR COMPASSION --- PLEASE DONT BE TOO BUSY And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. John 14:14 This morning before driving to work one of my friends needed a ride. On the way he reminded me that his mothers funeral was today. The pain on his face was so incredibly noticeable. I then thought also about my employer, whose mothers funeral is also today. After dropping my friend off and thinking about these things on the way to work I was reminded of the story recorded in Matthew 14:1-14. It is the story of John getting his head cut off and then the disciples bringing the news to Jesus. Keep in mind that John was the cousin of Jesus and the forerunner to the message of the Messiah. Put yourself in Jesuss seat -- the news had to be heart breaking. But notice what Jesus did. He laid his pain aside, looked on the crowd with COMPASSION and healed their sick. I know a lot of people in and out of the body of Christ are hurting. You may be one of them. But I want you to know that Jesus IS still is FULL of compassion (Psalms 145:8). Showing compassion to others will accomplish 2 very important things. 1. compassion will heal their wounds and 2. showing others compassion will sow a seed that will heal your wounds. Please, never be too busy to show compassion to others. Remember, Jesus still heals the brokehearted (Luke 4:18) yours, mine and ALL we come in contact with. It truly is, TIME FOR COMPASSION --- PLEASE DONT BE TOO BUSY
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 15:55:58 +0000

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