TIME OF ARABS AND MUSLIMS TO OWN UP: A hundred years ago or so, - TopicsExpress


TIME OF ARABS AND MUSLIMS TO OWN UP: A hundred years ago or so, as WWI was heating up and the Allies needed all help possible to defeat the Axis Nations, a British officer better later on known as Lawrence of Arabia, mobilized the men of Sharif Hussein of Mecca and rallied much support around him eventually liberating Hijaz (Western Arabia where the Muslim Holy Land is) and moved further north to Aqaba. That was the beginning of the Ottoman defeat in its Arab territories, something that Turks never forgot as they saw it as an act of treason in which Muslim Arabs conspired with Christian British against Muslim Turks. However, the royal promise of Arab independence turned into a regal act of treachery. As WWI ended, the British throne reneged and instead of fulfilling its end of the bargain, it divided the Levant into British and French territories (The Sykes-Picot Accord) and then subdivided those territories into the states of Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan. And as if this was not bad enough, the British gave Zionism the infamous Balfour Declaration hereby heralding the establishment of the state of Israel. The dealings of the West with the Arabs were tantamount to treachery of the worst kind. What was worse was that the West continued to supply Israel with unconditional support and double standards that always, without fail, favoured Israel and disadvantaged Arabs. All the way from the initial act of the Lawrence of Arabia treachery to the “War On Syria” and the recent attacks on Gaza, the West continued to offer Arabs more and more acts of deliberate malice underpinned by disdain and covert reactions to ancient feuds dating back to the days of the Crusades if not earlier. In more ways than one, no one can blame Arabs and Muslims for not trusting the West. No one can blame them for counting their fingers after they shake a Western hand. The actions of the West were, and continue to be inexcusable and shameful and put huge question marks about the integrity of the West and its claims of being the global defender of human rights and liberty. However, Arabs and Muslims need to open up their eyes and realize that not every single solitary problem in the Arab and Muslim Worlds are the works of the West and its local henchmen. Arabs and Muslims must stop using the West as a scapegoat for their own failures, and there is no bigger Arab/Muslim (really Muslim) failure than Islamic fundamentalism. The West saw Muslim fundamentalism as a tool, an army of foot soldiers who are prepared to fight and die, and if given the right cause that serves Western interests, they can be sent to fight for the West. This is the story of Western/Islamist alliance in simple terms of Western Machiavellian pragmatism. The Holy Quran is the Jewel of Holy Books, a great book of enlightenment, wisdom and peace, but it has been grossly misinterpreted and so have been its many translations. Islamic fundamentalism is based on that Fukih (theology) that it underpinned by those misinterpretations. Most Muslim clerics are not prepared to challenge those misinterpretations due to different reasons; including fear. This is where the problem is and this is the driving force behind the recruiting ability of Jihadists; whichever name they give themselves. It is wrong, improper and evasive to blame the West for the creation of the ideology of ISIS. The theology behind ISIL is more ancient than any European settlement in American, and America cannot be held accountable for it, and this is a fact that the Arab and Muslim Worlds need to own up to.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 22:57:29 +0000

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