TIME TO CALL A SPADE A SPADE Lets stop kidding ourselves: these - TopicsExpress


TIME TO CALL A SPADE A SPADE Lets stop kidding ourselves: these people arent Socialists--theyre Communists. Somehow, by our agonizing stupidity combined with the steady pressure of the Hegelian Dialectic, we have managed to pack Washington, DC with wall-to-wall Communists, from POTUS to SCOTUS to CONGRESS. ~~~ Every day its something. The Obama scandal list grows ever bigger with each passing day. If election fraud, the birth certificate, bowing to Saudi Princes, and covering up his past wasnt enough, we had Fast & Furious, the NDAA act, FSMA act, Monsanto heads shutting down farmers markets, little girls forbidden to sell lemonade, street BB goal posts removed by force, ObamaPhones and ObamaCars, Benghazi, NSA listening, IRS investigating, DHS/FEMA gearing for battle, Sandy Hook, Libya invasion, Muslim Brotherhood sitting in on classified meetings, Israel cast to the sharks and Iran let to develop nukes, open borders, ICE & DFP release of criminals, TARP, military officers fired, arming of al Qaida in Syria, Arab Spring, cash for Clunkers, GM/Chrysler bailout, Detroit and Chicago bailout, Boston attack, Bin Laden cover up, Iraq/Afghanistan pull out, gun control, ObamaCare, Obama Brown Shirt Army, DNA taking, Patriot Act II, Gulf Oil Crisis, Brazil Oil bailout, public education menu revision, forced vaccinations, banker suicides (assassinations), Breitbart assassination, Bill Ayers, Rev Wright, ACORN, union fixing, Black Panther intimidation, Solindra and other alternative energy panderings, Obama recession and the growing list of unemployment, welfare, and poverty, TSA scanners, Wikileaks, the Shock Doctrine, government shutdown/closing of National Parks & Memorials, failure to appear at Memorial Day Honors, his pen & cell phone, Executive Orders, drones, missing $4 trillion dollars, Cap & Trade, and the VA scandal arent enough, then where does the scandal train stop next? These are just to name a few. You can look up the complete list on Google Search. But Obama isnt held accountable for any of these outrageous acts. He knew nothing of these scandals, and has been on the campaign trail of tears saying he plans to get to the bottom of it, as somebody will be held accountable since hes been in office. But doesnt the buck stop at the presidency, as Harry Truman once claimed? Even if Obama plays the Sargent Schultz role of I know nothing, every one of these should have been known and dealt with by this administration, and Obama should be fired for failure of duties during a crisis. I have yet to hear one Democrat come up with a legitimate reason for any one of these messes. Jay Carney got tired of covering for the community organizer and quit. Nobody believed him any longer, and Americans are sick and tired of the blame anyone but me excuse for these action, or neglect of action. Congress is just as bad, and any incumbent that participated in any of these scandals needs to be voted out, or even arrested. Those who support the Obama agenda needs to be removed by any means possible, and replaced by strict Constitutional conservatives. Its not difficult to look up to see who the good ones are, and who are the POS that push tyranny and oppression upon the people of the United States. At one time, the government once feared the people... its far past time that this fear is returned instead of the people fearing the government! I say this with the threat of a Democrat movement to amend the Constitution, and scrub the right to free speech as well as the right to bear arms. As we have been swept up in the side shows, the center ring, under Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, are about to embark on a game changing ploy to revise the Constitution. Though this is not legal, the law has never stopped them from it so far, has it? [T]his dismantling of the Constitution is seeing little traction in the mainstream. So please, spread this far and wide so that there is an uproar on even the attempts to derail our Founding law into a perverted excuse to silence opposition, and quell dissent by the people. This should concern liberals as well as conservatives, because once we are silenced, once guns are removed, then all hell will break loose as the PTB will crush us like a boot on a cockroach... America will be totally defenseless and helpless to say or do anything about it. For once, we need to unite and defeat these cowards of freedom, and secure our liberty... now and for future generations of Americans. ~ Jim Hovda (Patriot In The Trenches) theamericanteaman/2012/04/21/nancy-pelosi-wants-to-amend-the-first-amendment/
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 03:15:29 +0000

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