TIME TO GET REAL ABOUT LABOUR. So Johan Lamont has finally - TopicsExpress


TIME TO GET REAL ABOUT LABOUR. So Johan Lamont has finally quit, and says her reason for doing so was because she thought the London Labour Party considered Scotland no more than a branch office for them to control. How long did it take her to work that one out? The leader of the Labour Party or the Red Tories as they are now known is no more than a glove puppet who must follow the Party line from London or be humiliated. Lamonts statement helps to clarify Labours position and their relevance to Scottish politics and should be an eye opener for all die hard Labour supporters. They must understand that voting Labour really is a wasted vote because all you are doing is providing voting fodder for Milliband to support his right wing policies geared towards winning votes in England. The man cannot even decide whether to abolish the Tory Bedroom Tax if elected into government. That kind of dithering is so typical of Labour who have been content to allow the Tories to do their dirty work for them and steer clear of anything that might appear to be part of a socialist agenda for years. The media is heralding Jim Murphy as a possible replacement for Lamont and calling him a big hitter. That is debatable. He is no more than a career politician like so many other Labour MPs but Murphy has made enriching himself at the taxpayers expense an art form. Since he has been an MP he has made a £million on expenses alone on top of his lucrative salary. Despite owning a flat in London he rented it out so he could claim expenses on renting another place to live in for himself. The man is a disgrace and a freeloader lining his pockets at every opportunity. He never did much as an MP only coming out of the shadows at the referendum in an attempt to save his own job in promoting the Union that has made him so rich. If he manages to get elected which should shame every Scot who puts an X against his name he would be the perfect glove puppet for London. He would promote Londons will in Scotland with alacrity in the hope that one day he would return to Westminster with a higher profile, and achieve that second £million. Rich boy Sarwar has also been quoted as a possible replacement and that is laughable. He is a bit of a joke as a politician in my opinion, and hasnt got a socialist bone in his body; his son in private school will no doubt grow up to be the same. He is another one that has made enriching himself at the taxpayers expense an art form and should be dumped by the Glasgow Central people at the next election. Hopefully his dad will find him a job in the Punjab, but Im sure the expenses wont be what Sarwar junior is used to. Lamont says she wants to remain an MSP for Pollock in Glasgow, a poor working class area. The people of Pollock should ask themselves if they want to support someone who insulted them and the whole of Scotland when she said on national TV that we Scots werent genetically programmed to make political decisions. The people of Pollock will have the golden opportunity to let her know what they think about that. Her standing shoulder to shoulder with the Tories and the Orange Lodge in talking Scotland down must never be forgotten. She is, and will always remain a national disgrace and embarrassment, and anyone who votes for her is as bad as she is. The Labour Party parasites in Scotland are now worried about their jobs and are now meeting to discuss their strategy to win back their nodding donkey vote. First, they want to convince Scots that they should write off the past by dismissing the mendacious, hysterical, and anti-Scottish campaign which they and their Unionist allies ran during the referendum. They want our people to consign it to history and pretend that it no longer matters as though it never happened. There was no threat, no bullying, no lying, no orchestration of foreign governments, the EU, NATO officials or businessmen. Labour didn’t really work hand in glove with the Tories. Best forgotten is what they want you to believe. That is their agenda now and we will be fools if we fall for it. Whoever becomes the next Labour leader in Holyrood we in Scotland must all understand that they are no more than a man or woman of straw. They will have no substance and no power to do anything for Scotland that does not meet with Londons approval. Any Scot who will settle for that and continue to vote for them deserves everything they get. Learn from the past, dont repeat it. Voting Labour only means you are providing extra votes for Milliband in Westminster not champions for Scotland. He supports the Tory austerity programme and replacing Trident when so many of our people are suffering unprecedented hardships. Labour have forgotten their roots and are deaf to the pleas of the poor and disadvantaged; they are only interested in power at any cost. Labour ARE the Red Tories now and just want the Scots to do as they are told. As Elaine C Smith said, Shut up and go to the back of the bus! It is the SNP that Cameron fears not Labour and our people must understand that once and for all. Regardless if you voted YES or NO, or go to bed wrapped in Union flag, if you live and work in Scotland you should want to make Scotland a more prosperous country for yourself and your family. Remember, there are no separate doors in the Job Centre or Social Security Office for Protestants and Catholics, Muslims or Jews, we all will suffer equally if we cannot win change and more autonomy for Scotland. Why on earth would you want anything else? You dont have to be a nationalist to want a better Scotland you just have to be a realist with regard to the political system that governs us. Voting Labour will NEVER deliver prosperity for Scotland, only the SNP can do that. If we return a large majority of SNP politicians to Westminster, Holyrood and our city councils, they will make sure Scotland has a strong voice in the corridors of power and can no longer be ignored. All the other Parties owe their allegiance to London and must toe the London Party line as Lamont has found out. We just have to give the SNP the opportunity to help us by voting for them. The alternative is stagnation and continued ignominy for Scotland Alan N McPhail
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 11:10:48 +0000

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