TIME TO GIVE JOHN BOEHNER THE BOOT AND PUT IN A REAL CONSERVATIVE AS OUR NEW HOUSE SPEAKER. HERE IS HOW WE DO IT: NOTE: We must do this now to have an impact as congress for for our next House Speaker in a few days at most. Please hurry to email you member of congress and share this post as quickly and as widely as possible. Write you member of congress and ask everyone you know to do likewise. Let them know that RINO John Boehner is no longer acceptable to you and that he will only widen the gap between true conservatives and the republican establishment because he is so disliked and so mistrusted by the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party. Below is a sample email message you can use to send your members of congress and a congressional directory to make is especially easy for you to impact on who will be our next House Speaker. Remember, only one congressional district in one sate get to elect John Boehner but the position of House Speaker ranks third in line to the presidency and is enormously powerful. We deserve to have a “true conservative” in that position. Let’s pull together and demand it. After all, we got these folks elected so they owe us. SAMPLE EMAIL: “Dear Congressman/Congresswoman ____________________, First I want to congratulate you on your recent win and the extended overall Republican Majority in the US House of Representatives. I assure you that I did my part to help make that happen. Now I am going to ask you to do something for “WE The People” to demonstrate your gratitude and commitment to serving us. You should know that Rep. John Boehner is a very divisive figure in the Republican Party. He is deeply offensive to the Tea Party and true conservatives. Frankly, we do not trust him to be House Speaker any longer. I/we find him to be very objectionable and I would be extremely disappointed if you were to vote to make him House Speaker yet again. Please don’t do that. Instead replace him with a “true conservative” that can unite our party. Some House Members that are very popular and would be acceptable to all of us as our next House Speaker include the following: Trey Gowdy, R- South Carolina Louie Gohmert , R-Texas Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas Trent Franks, R-Ariz. Steve Scalise, R-La Steve Chabot, R-Ohio Scott DesJarlais, R-Tenn. Thank you for reading and considering my views on the next House Speaker. Again, I can’t express enough how objectionable Rep. John Boehner is to me and I ask that you please not vote for him for reasons noted. I will be anxiously awaiting your reply and I will be watching very carefully who you vote for as our next House Speaker. Sincerely, YOUR NAME CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS HERE: contactingthecongress.org/
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 20:01:20 +0000

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