TIME TO MAKE A DECISION! In a dream this morning I saw a tornado. - TopicsExpress


TIME TO MAKE A DECISION! In a dream this morning I saw a tornado. I was in a mobile home and warned a family member it was here. As she decided to lock herself in her room, I ran to my uncles house (whose name means prosperous protector) to seek shelter in his basement. Before I closed the door to the prosperous protectors house I looked once more at the tornado. Written at the top of it was Choose or would not have happened. THE STORM PASSED YET THERE WAS NO DESTRUCTION!!! As I began to pray for an interpretation, I saw in the Spirit an old friend named James who told me this message was for everyone. As I continued to ponder the meaning on the way to work I turned the radio on. On the radio was a quick message about storms which quoted James 1:2-4: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. INTERPRETATION: I believe the Lord was saying that it is time to make a decision to stay on the path, to continue pursuing the vision no matter what trial or storm may come at you! To be fully convinced, to not be afraid but to run into the House of the Prosperous Protector, the shelter of the Most High God (Psalm 91)! This storm has come to test your faith so Gods work can be perfected in you! Do not lose heart but count it all joy, knowing that not only is the Lord still in control but Hes working on your behalf!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:34:58 +0000

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