TIME TO SHOW MY HAND Constructive comments please. This is a - TopicsExpress


TIME TO SHOW MY HAND Constructive comments please. This is a Facebook post, not a Manifesto. Just to be clear on where I stand on Welfare Reform. Understand that I am one of those long-term unemployed. I say that any able bodied unemployed person should work for their dole but only up to the number of hours equivalent to earnings at minimal wage. So in my case, at a guess, that’s about 15 hours per week. The calculation would total all your individual costs covered by the state (that’s really actually the tax payer), and work out how many hours at minimal wage it takes to earn that amount of cash. As you are now working for your dole, you are no longer unemployed and should not be required to look for additional work or sign-on. What you do with your remaining time is up to yourself. If you’re like me you’ll spend your time learning and trying to figure out how to become self-employed. I spend all my spare time working on my computer, mostly coding. I have a couple of other ideas swimming around but I’m keeping them close to my chest just now. The work you do has to be selected carefully, by the local authority, so as not to take away full time work from those who need it. There is plenty to do, things that I have referred to in the past as “luxury items”, I’ll have to think of a better name for them. These are small community tasks that are infrequent enough to form a full time job but numerous enough in total to provide an interesting and varied work pattern for those who can’t find any other work. These tasks are solely local community based and contribute to social wellbeing of communities. They are not all menial either; many may involve manual tasks such as gardening, both public areas and gardens of the elderly and disabled, and street sweeping. Moving up the scale of responsibility there’s shopping and assisted shopping for the elderly and disabled. Chaperoning the elderly and disabled to community events. Painting and decorating for the elderly and disabled. There are also more responsible jobs to do, administration of community groups. You can make up these hours doing a bit of all these things. And many more tasks that I haven’t thought of. If the local authority can’t find enough of these tasks to fill up these hours then you shouldn’t loose out of any money. Working in groups should be avoided. The reasoning for this, and I know this from experience, is a small minority of those unemployed do not want to work – full stop. You will even find them in employment and not working. There were a couple of them in Tesco when I worked there. They prefer working in groups not because they’re social, in fact they’re the most antisocial, trouble making elements in the workplace. They prefer to stand around doing nothing while others pull their weight for them. Working alone is the best way to ensure that a completed job was done by that person and that person alone. No matter whom you vote for, these changes must come about. The welfare state has been abused to the point of destruction. From a scientific point of view, you cannot take energy without returning effort in return. Any system that does that becomes stagnant and dies. Who you vote for will dictate how these changes are implemented, not whether they will be implemented. If you vote Tory, expect to be shat on. Tories care about nobody else but themselves and their chums. They want a totalitarian state where the minority stupendously rich live in a state of perpetual bliss, served by a completely separate slave race (the public). It takes a great leap of mind-bending imagination to understand what kind of creatures they are – absolute evil. No regard for human life whatsoever. You are nothing to them but a battery and if you aren’t fully charged and plugged into the grid then you’re thrown into the bin. Parties of purely Socialist format mean well but can be thuggish and not particularly “academic”. You still need them about though and in large numbers to protect the ordinary persons interests. I have nothing to say about SNP since they clearly have nothing to say either. I stopped voting for them 18 years ago after an incident outside a polling station in Whitfield. I did once vote for Lib Dems but only on account of that turncoat rat Tory Blair. Ironic isn’t it, I end up voting for another turncoat. I don’t hold too much grudge against the Lib Dems though, they weren’t ready for government and still have a long way to go. It’s Labour for me. Stop the bedroom tax and start building more appropriate housing.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 18:39:03 +0000

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