TIMOR-LESTE IS NOT A FAILED STATE – IT IS SEARCHING TO SHAPE THE STATE! Frederico Nuno Jerónimo Boavida – Frenujebov As Guteriano Guterres, the author is Researcher at the Department of Research and Analysis of Presidency of Republic of Timor-Leste, and 2014 The Asia Foundation Development Fellow, on his Paper launching by ETAN website, on the Title: - “Is Timor-Leste a failed state?”. Guterriano concluded on the problem of the Institutionalization and the State actors are required for; but then he commented much on the Single Economic Power that is the commodity of Petroleum; and pointed out that the State is underpinned from the society; it is supposed that the society to be the actor of the state. Sure as Guteriano has remarked that the Society is, of course, the unique origin of a nation-state with its culture, ethnicity, language, country, faith and territory; in instead of that; it is still a process of inductive point of view in glancing the State is resulted still from the Public or collective as the state authors; while; it should be the technocrat supposed as the state author. How do we have a look on the question; that Guterriano Guterres is not suspecting or declaring as Timor-Leste is the Failed State; but Guterriano is trying to present the factors or case if the State to be Failed or not; depending on the State Institutions; State Based Economic Resources and the responsibility of the whole Society. Moving back to the initial Nation-State-Building that shaping by the United Nation most respectably from UNTAET in 1999 till 2000; which is remarking the question on the East Timor Threat Assessment (001-2001 – Correct as at 31 Mar 01) taken from UNTAET PKF HQ Military Information Cell; - “Who is who and what is what behind the Nation-State-Building Process?”. It is also based on two points of views as the factors to be taken into serious consideration: “the Intent and the capability.” The intent is defined as I am quoting from the definition extracted on the referred paper of the UNTAET; the Term ‘intent’ is defined as the degree to which the threat source has demonstrated its role, aims, intelligence requirements and history of ll activity harmful to ‘Institution’ interests with pointing out two factors such as desire and expectation of success. While the term ‘capability’ encompasses the adequacy of the structure, size, organization, modus operandi, disposition and finance of the threat source as the opportunities available to it and it is also depending on two factors such as resources and knowledge.” However to shape the East Timor State; required for some necessaries Theories Applied as the ‘Modus Operandi’ and at the same time reading the context of the country development in order to, have the ‘MEDIUM’ as the indicator fo Functional State Institutions and State Actors. Theoritically; East Timor State in conformity to the Nature of the Republic referring to the ‘Fundamental Principle’ of the State as it is to quote from the – “Constituição Anotada – República Democrática de Timor-Leste Chapter I on the Article 1: - “ PRINCÍPIOS FUNDAMENTAIS Artigo 1.° (A República) 1. A República Democrática de Timor-Leste é um Estado de direito democrático, soberano, independente e unitário, baseado na vontade popular e no respeito pela dignidade da pessoa humana. Anotação Artigo 1: 1 – A expressão, “Estado de direito democrático, soberano, independente” insere a República timorense na família das modernas democracias constitucionais: a subordinação do poder ao Direito e à vontade popular, o exercício autónomo da criação e aplicação das suas próprias normas jurídicas, o relacionamento em pé de igualdade com os demais Estados membros da comunidade internacional. O conceito de Estado “unitário” exclui o federalism e qualquer outra modalidade de organização de Estados compostos, sem prejuízo do princípio da separação dos poderes (art. 69.°), da descentralização administrativa (art. 5.°) e do reconhecimento das “normas” e “usos costumeiros” (art. 2.°, n.° 4). 2 – A “vontade popular” e a “dignidade da pessoa humana” são os fundamentos do “Estado de direito democrático”, orientadores da ação e condições da sua própria legitimidade. São os polos indissociáveis da permanente tensão entre a vontade da maioria e a liberdade individual, entre o bem comum e a subjetividade, o público e o privado. Estão vastamente concretizados pela Constituição, designadamente, nos preceitos que consagram o sufrágio universal (art. 7.°), a proteção dos direitos fundamentais (arts. 16.° e ss.) e toda a organização do poder político (arts. 62.° e ss.).” So it to say that theoretically East Timor State is the of Democratic Republic based on the Principle of International Law and Right that remaining as the task-force to the Technocrats to interpret the RDTL Constitutions by applying it respectively referring to the Studies and Research on how the East Timor Country Shaping and Developing its state too. Seeming that all what raised by Guteriano Guterres and the UNTAET paper; supposed being thematic, since at the initial of the Nature of East Timor State was well compiled and formulated in the RDTL Principle and Fundamental of the Republic. Reading the dysfunctional of some only institutions; individuals, groups and collectives existing in East Timor; it must not be the indicators to the ‘Failed State’; it is what might be as the factor challenged the professionalism of its leaders and managers in administering their own organization in the body of the society of East Timor. What the State institution ought to do; is how far they can define which institutions would be for the moment to focus on due to their contributions for the most and many interest of the country?. Because of even; existing as such a lot of institution in East Timor; it is still that in the functional system not reflecting the interest of the East Timor State rather remaining in the collectivism or individualism. That is why it is most required the ‘medium’ as the ‘liaison institutional’ to coordinate how institutions could work in cohesion and coherent as in coordinating the ‘working network’ reflecting the ‘State Ideology’ toward East Timor Development for the better future as the ideal is to live in prosperity of its people. We have accompanied how the state organized the workshop for ‘Leadership Capacity Building’ occurred on last week Thursday 11th till 12th of September 2014 for the district administrators coming from all 13 districts that how to be good leaders in managing and administrating the local state institutions. On the other occasion some Civil Societies are implementing the seminars on the thematic: how to cope with the social problem and conflict. Those seminars and workshop reflecting that the East Timor State is existing and concerning on the critical and sensitive issues that might be crucial for the country. The V Constitutional Government of RDTL has recruited around 60 experts on each program, areas and sectors to be the advisors for the Government Institutions that those might be the consultants for the Country Management on the functional and effective of the ‘good governance’. Each Ministry, each Department; each division, each sectors, each non-government organization approved by the state, each independent organization approved by the sate and its individual concerning or consciously working for East Timor State are the partnerships for development. The case is how to separate and define on what task-force each organization mentioned to deal in or with. It is meaning to say to avoid the ‘over-lapping’ and ‘over-charged’ of tasks and responsibility with efficiently distinguishing what must be the substantial and essential commitment for the country based to the individual nature and objective of each organization. There must have for their own the general and specific objective to make their organization to be functional. If it is completely and totally not effective as it should be; it is meaning just the organizational failure or the ‘failed organization’ that it should not deductively to be read as the ‘Failed State’; even conceptual-philosophically the ‘failed state’; but it is understood as ‘Failed Organizational State just in governmental, non-governmental or Civil Society Context’ and it must not be the ‘Faile Organizational State of the Country Dignity and Sovereignty!. Appearing that some organizations failed for their commitment; mostly because of their miss-management due to mixing up all professional and official works not competing to them, into their organization rather than carrying out their own task-force, taken for example, concerning to the security management; but not productive security or organizational security, resulting in carrying out the state security to the institutional one. Taken for example working in Education Sector; the security area in the education context must be interpreted as the didactical and pedagogic functional in managing and extracting out the curriculum for Teaching and Learning in accordance to the National Basic Curriculum; but for the Physical of Teachers and Students threats affecting them; it is Security needed to avoid the attacks and aggression; it should be the profession of those who are working for the law and order. Yet in Education sector introducing the importance of health care; but for the understanding on theory and practice of avoiding ‘early pregnancy’, contagious disease; and threatful virus; they should be introduced through the seminars or workshop to the schools by the Institute Center of Study and Research of the Ministry of Health; it must not run independently by each schools. When each organization working in mutually coordination of every sectors existing in the East Timor State is effective and efficiently; it is to be read as the existing ‘Liaison Institutional’. As my point of view that the actors for each area, sectors, ministries, department, division, non-governmental, civil society in running the State Institutional must be professionals. Mostly for every Ministry; the Minister and his or her advisors and consultants are also required and insisted to be very professionals. Any Ministry projected whether politically, professional or academically; it is demanded to be the professional entity for the state. Drawing back to its nature of the Ministry with the background from the political party; it is compromised no to be just merely and simply Political Party Leader; but since in the Political Party body prior to be nominated as the Minister for the respective Sector; must be well oriented and from which Political Party to take care such Ministry; at least concentrating all for one; it is meaning to say that their representative of the Political Party working for determine area and sector; so it is recommended the referred Political Party also responsible in contributing for the mentioned sector. How do we find out the actors that expert and professional; of course, we have assessment the functional of each organization in the country; that supposed to get the prior orientation from those technocrats behind the screen. Figures and Leader are well oriented; it is because of having the Orientation Line Coordination coming from the source of Human Resource for the Development; must be from those State Technocrats. Yet; we have to aware that; we are new country lacking of men for the right time and for the right place; it is because we have never got our own state at the history in the past period; even we have had our society. We just have, since 2014 our own East Timor State run by East Timorese; we were taking for granted from Colonial, Occupier and UN; those were organizing at the past for us; just now and on we are independent to have our own men to be effort to apply for what we have gained by experience and through academic studies into demandable reality. We build by our own, East Timor State under pressured of electronic means exploration and experimental era to the Asia Regions as the sample field to apply the globalization, including East Timor covered by Internet Network effects. What we are doing at the back of both mountains Matebian and Ramelay; have been detected and censured and known throughout the world; and vice-versa what is done in the United States of America or in the Vatican; we also instantly know in our own territory as the bias of electronic era in the globalization. It is totally challenged for us, for our leaders and for all the people to organize the work and to establish the capacity building for the organization; if we could not maintain self control in not listen all the time to the effect of ‘telescrim’ as the unknown background voice whispering in command and order voice to do this or to do that. We have to be selective and critics in listening to the unknown command and order in order to avoid mal-function of our organization too. Rather than seating down and keeping in listening to the command and order of the unknown voice as the effects produced by electronic exploration, it is better seating down face to face to sharing the experience and intellectual or academic knowledge through the formal meeting in the seminars, conference, training and workshop for the developing of our country. Avoiding the arbitrary acts of ‘popular justice’ from disoriented and unorganized group surging up around the public just because of the orientation from the explored and disguise [masquerade/camouflage/cover up] voice of unknown individual to betray each other. It is the effect of electronic; once you have broadcasted to the air even in other country far away, as just an example, in Afghanistan, the eco might be sounding in Indonesian with the translation made and continuing to sound around in East Timor with Tetun translated; and we are falling down in the globalization because of not avoiding to keep listening to the unknown voice commanding and ordering for disorder. We just listening the articulation in foreign version or language, automatically, we understand in our own language; and it is explored our own phonetically channel to produce the voice even though we are unconscious of that. So; as to contribute to Guteriano Guterres opinion; it is the same that not East Timor is a ‘Failed State’; but East Timor is, actually, in shaping out its own state!. TIMOR-LESTE IS NOT A FAILED STATE – IT IS SEARCHING TO SHAPE THE STATE!, notably through each official speech delivered by the government level done by the Prime Minister; Sovereign Organ of the Republic done by the Presidency; Excellency Institutional done by the Parliament; Respectable authority done by the Judiciary; illustrious Entity Civil Society done by three Bishop from the Catholic Church and Honorable Figures done by Individual Entity such as DR. José Ramos Horta and Don Belo; and even till every official speech for each political Party done by ever leaders; those speeches to be considered as the rhetoric for East Timor in shaping out its own State!. I think the conceptual for the East Timor State Development might be, supposed extracting out from every expert and professional; then to articulate on the paper in the form of the speech that delivering to the public in order to take into serious consideration as the key concept and thematic to encompass the route and direction of East Timor State Development toward the better future and prosperous. Therefore from the speech we supposed to separate and define; which item address to the individual one; which for the institutions and which for the whole interest to the people and to the whole society; and it is understood that the concept coming from each authos as the technocrats ideas and opinions that reflecting all the sectors with factors, modals, possibility, means and facilities in shaping out East Timor State. Frederico Nuno Jerónimo Boavida – Frenujebov 17 September 2014
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 09:04:14 +0000

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