TIP - LAWYERS - WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THEM IF WORKING FOR YOUR OPPONENT. Most people were brought up to respect the LAW and The Police Force and that our Judicial Systems in The West - especially The Anglo-Saxon ones were all about JUSTICE and FAIRNESS. WELL YOU CAN FORGET THAT FOR A START - IT IS ALL ABOUT WINNING YOUR CASE AT ANY COST. Many an innocent soul has entered the courtroom expecting some degree of FAIRNESS and a belief that THE JUDGE IS THERE TO ENSURE THIS. You can also forget that. THE JUDGE/S is there to listen to the arguments pure and simple. The argument that seems to have the most weight in all factors but most especially on A POINT OF LAW will gain the Judges favour. This of course will be different under a case which is set for trial by Jury, so I am not addressing that category of trial at the moment. EXPECT THIS - FROM THE OPPOSITIONS LAWYER - a COMPLETE AND UTTER RUTHLESS ATTACK ON YOUR REPUTATION using every trick of WORD TRUTH that the Lawyer is skilled in. You will be bombarded by a tirade of literal abuse which the Lawyer will spew forth under the protection of the Judge and Court operating principles. The Lawyer will attempt to get you to become emotional - but most specifically ANGRY (at his abusive stance). The idea is to get you to behave out of character - to behave in a way which will justify his/her allegations and aspersions against you. Every aspect will be tried - glaring at your you - subtle threatening body language - they will want to provoke your body language in a negative fashion. Their objective is to get you to behave in a manner which will alienate the Judge from your cause. Basically their behaviour is a form of SOPHISM as practised by the Ancient Greek Sophists in their debates and intellectual discourse. (Quite frankly I was amazed at how many Lawyers-Barristers were not aware of their SOPHIST roots). TIP - ON DEALING WITH SUCH BEHAVIOUR - First of all expect it - but also be prepared for the friendly - nice guy - suck you in approach. (I will deal with that approach at another time). And please understand - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS JUSTICE - ONLY LAW and how that can be manipulated by Lawyers. So please do not expect justice. Be prepared and relax - look reasonable - talk in a reasonable manner - show reasonable body language - if you are naturally expressive - control this - it can be manipulated. It really is about reason as interpreted by POINTS OF LAW. Prepare yourself thoroughly before hand - do your research - take and make notes - keep them with you. Also remember that if you can spot an entrapping tactic by a wily Lawyer - it may be wiser to say that you DO NOT RECALL ACCURATELY - or CAN;T REMEMBER ACCURATELY - because if you do not and you try your innocent best to give details and substance to an answer - WORD TRUTH MANIPULATION will be used to present your answer in the negative - negative that is for your cause/case. SO WATCH YOUR WORDS. Also remember the Judge will be watching you closely - your body language - the TIMBRE OF YOUR VOICE - YOUR EYE MOVEMENT. it would be wise to practise looking reasonable before entering the court - most especially if you have any health problems that may affect your voice or body language - EVERYTHING POSSIBLE WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU BY A SKILLED PRACTITIONER. Just as an example in The Netherlands for instance - a man was charged with riding his scooter - unpowered - foot driven scooter over a short piece of pavement by an over zealous police officer. In the court - THE PROSECUTION LAWYERS started attacking the charged man quite brutally with a total personality-destruct-attack equating his behaviour as immoral-uncaring and on par with drug dealing - he went on and on and it was quite a show (on TV) - even the judge was shocked at the Lawyers behaviour - the judge fortunately was having none of it and he dismissed the case - reprimanded the lawyer and the prosecution service - A GOOD ALERT JUDGE - but you may not be so lucky in THE LOTTERY OF HAVING A GOOD JUDGE as they tend nearly always to err in favour of state departments like the prosecution and police evidence (policemen are angels and never lie etc). There is much more I could recount on this issue - suffice it to say that once I REPRESENTED MYSELF IN THE ROYAL COURTS OF JUSTICE IN LONDON - UK without a barrister and I defeated a gunslinger of a barrister who tried exactly the same trick - his face was black with anger (he was Caucasian I might add) at the thought of being defeated by a mere member of the public. I do not say this to bang my personal drum - it is just to illustrate that you can defeat the system - WITH ARTICULATE PREPARATION AND RESEARCH. there were political undertones and undercurrents to the case as obliquely admitted by the lodging law firm. So also be aware of the unseen undercurrents to a case and that you may be caught up in - events greater than yourself which have little to do with you. Enough for now.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 10:50:47 +0000

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