TIP/HINT/UPDATE: Marijuana…cannabis...cannabinoid...So, why is - TopicsExpress


TIP/HINT/UPDATE: Marijuana…cannabis...cannabinoid...So, why is this plant working so well ?. Well, cannibadiol has the highest anti-inflammatory and neural properties found in nature. Please Note: Ive juiced one plant species at a time (sometimes mixing it with water if needed) and let it flow alone throughout my body so I could experience the effects of it and it alone on my body to figure out which plants my body seems to truly thrive upon and which my body does not..Marijuana is but one of over 100 plants/fruits/vegetables Ive done this type of experiment with (sometimes for a few hrs, a day or up to a week). I then recoded my bodies reaction at the end of each day. Ive just now very recently come out of the closet publicly, about my almost daily practice of juicing Marijuana leafs now for the past 3 years. This has been an experiment on my body. Heres the scoop on why I honestly believe that people should start incorporating Marijuana leaves into their juicing practices…(screw whether or not its legal in your state). This is your health were talking about here…(however if your subject to drug tests then I encourage you to go to Colorado and buy the seeds of a new hybrid plant that has -0- THC in it as we are not looking for that anyway in terms of heath. Ive been drinking juiced Marijuana leaves now for over 3 years. On a juice fast I tried it and felt something (not high), Instinctively I knew it was very good for my body. whats amazing is that now 3 years later Im hearing Scientific Facts Confirming what my body felt and told me 3 years ago, this has happened repeatedly with various plant species, & Vegan Oils…. Heres some of my excerpts from notes on how I felt at the end of each day during a 1 week juice fast on water & Marijuana leaves mixed together into a juice. (I did add Raw Stevia as a sweetner). I wrote: Day 1: Im thinking clearer, Day 2: Im noticing that my heart seems to be beating more rhythmically (correct). Day 3: Whoa !!! PTSD symptoms are defiantly down to a much lower level than Ive been experiencing over the years. Day 4: WOW its like something is happening in my brain somehow not only am I thinking more clearly but logic seems to become more clear as well. Day 5: This must have extraordinary anti-inflammatory aspects to this plant. My back, knees…shoulders, very dramatic drops in ALL pain levels within my body, and my heart feels good...AMAZING !!! Day 6: Defiantly effecting my PTSD, all pain levels in my body, heart, (again iI think this is most probably due to some kind of extremely anti-inflammatory effect this plant is having on my body) and something is really really happening in my brain cant quite explain it, but all thought is defiantly clearer. Day 7: I think Im gonna come off this now as I need more calories and nutrients. But what an explosion in my brain I am thinking clearer, connecting so many dots I seem to be philosophizing about some things in deep deep thought, something Ive never experienced before in my life before. PTSD, HEART, PAIN all majorly improver with in just 7 days...Ive decided to add these plant leaves into my daily juicing practices and see where this takes me 5 to 7 years years from now. Again please note: This was all written 3 years ago. Heres what I just learned this last week !!!! (OVER THREE YEARS LATER). This is a quote, from the Ted Talk I posted about CBDs earlier… So, why is this plant working so well? Well, cannibadiol has the highest e-inflammatory and neural protectant properties found in nature. CBD actually interacts with structures on the surface of brain cells known as receptors, and acting as that neural protectant and anti-inflammatory helps to decrease, and as youve seen, even eliminate seizure activity. Now, while we dont know, it seems as though CBD is actually playing a role in the repair of brain function. Research scientists and our doctors believe that this is why Charlotte, Zaki, and other children in this program are actually experiencing an ongoing progression of motor, social, and developmental skills; meaning that theyre actually coming back to cognition more and more and more every day. Theyre getting better, Guys. I mean, its phenomenal. Now, I think its also important to note here that epilepsy is not the only thing that CBD seems to be helpful for. According to some of our early studies, and studies out of Israel right now, theyre showing incredible results in PTSD, in migraines, depression, arthritis, cancer, and heart disease. Even further studies, believe it or not, are showing that this little known compound might have the capabilities of helping to stop progression of Parkinsons, Alzheimers, ALS, MS, and diabetes. Now, I think its quite clear, we all know very, very, very little about this plant. Weve lived in the last 80 years in this country under a cloud of propaganda and fear. Were just now, though, were starting to wake up from that fear. Were starting to replace that fear with acceptance, understanding, and education. Whats happening? Amazing things, right? Amazing discoveries, and thats what happens whenever youre able to lay fear to rest, but we have a long way to go here. Dave: Get your body clean, learn to Listen to your body, learn to listen to your heart honestly anyone can do this… Lastly I want to put a special shout out to Ron Neel & John Cleveland if not for your encouragement I might not have expounded more upon this subject and fully come out of the closet about all of this due to family and social repercussions…(still learnin to stand in my truth on this journey of life thank you my brothers. Blessings always to all The Raw Food trucker
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 19:42:26 +0000

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