TIPS FOR BALANCING HORMONES NATURALLY 1. Eat Nutrient Dense Foods The main thing is to eat balanced meals with foods that are nutrient-dense. You don’t have to go crazy with this. Make sure you get plenty of meat, fish, bone broth, good fats, fresh or fermented fruits and veggies in your diet. If your lunch is a white bread sandwich with few thin strips of turkey and some potato chips and a Diet Coke, that’s not gonna cut it. Opt instead for a big salad with lots of meat or seafood or cheese. 2. Eat Plenty of Good Fats Low-fat diets are probably the number one reason young and old women are having problems with their hormones. Hormones are made out of cholesterol. If you don’t eat enough cholesterol, your body can’t make hormones. What are good fats? Traditional fats that have been around for centuries these include: butter, cream, egg yolks, whole milk, coconut milk, lard, beef tallow, coconut oil, palm oil, and olive oil. 3. Avoid Soy Soy is a goitrogen, which blocks iodine uptake in the body. In women, iodine is stored in the thyroid gland, the breasts and the ovaries. Iodine deficiency causes thyroid disorders (including goiters, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer), cysts in the breasts and ovaries, and breast cancer and ovarian cancer. 4. Get Your Minerals On! Most of us are depleted of minerals. Phytic acid in whole grains (like oats and whole wheat) depletes the body of minerals. Minerals are vitally important to balancing hormones. For example, if you are low in zinc, which many of us are, you will not be able to produce enough testosterone. #RZInspirasi
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 01:00:01 +0000

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