TIPS ON HOW TO RESISTTEMPTATION #12 SURVIVING A FALL Ive saved for last what I believe to be the most important key to overcoming temptation. You already know that Jesus is able to keep you from falling (Jude 1:24). But if you do fall, dont stay down. If you are in Christ, you have the greatest power to resist wrong. To abide in Him is to abide in His Spirit. Galatians 5:16 says, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Noah, Enoch, and Abraham walked with God. And you can do the same today by getting on your knees and petition for strength. God will send every angel in heaven to save you from sin, rather than let a trusting child fall when pleading for His help. But we must choose to follow Jesus, rather than the lies of the devil. God has made us free moral agents, and the devil cannot make us sin. By Gods grace, you and I can resist every temptation through His Spirit. But remember that if you do fall, dont give up. Many people, who fall down, stay down. They say, Oh well. Im lost now; I may as well surrender to every other temptation. God can help you recover lost territory, and He will save you from future temptations. You might need to spend three days sorrowing and searching just like Joseph and Mary when they lost Jesus, but He will be waiting for you in His Fathers house. The devil may dishearten you with his wicked whisperings saying, I know you! I tempted you, and you did it! Youre no good. You call yourself a Christian, but youre just a hypocrite. In fact, you arent even saved! But I believe the Christian life is progressive. The Bible promises, My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John 2:1). If you sin, and we all do, dont give up. If the devil tricks you, and you fall down, dont stay down. Dont let your past failures be an excuse for future compromise. God can help you overcome everything. You just take it one day and one step at a time. A SUMMARY - 12 STEPS IN ONE Summarizing all these steps is actually very easy. The most precious way to overcome any temptation has to be because you love God. You know that sin hurts God, and when tempted you need to say out loud, I cant do that because I love God. Our response to temptation is an accurate barometer of our love for God. The more you love Jesus, the less the attractions of the devil will hold sway over you. Remember how much Jesus loves you by remembering the cross when you are tempted, and then return that love by resisting the evil before you. Were all tempted, but the Lord has promised that we can be overcomers through the exceeding great and precious promises found in the Scriptures. Jesus will teach us how to overcome. The devil could not make Jesus sin, nor can he make us. Give great thanks to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57). Ask Him for overcoming power, and joyfully dive into the pages of His Word. In a nutshell thank you all for taking time to read my lesson on Tips on How Resist Temptation. God bless you all.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:37:12 +0000

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