TITLE: Dividend Emotions EPISODE: 2 AUTHOR: Omolola GRANDMA! - TopicsExpress


TITLE: Dividend Emotions EPISODE: 2 AUTHOR: Omolola GRANDMA! GRANDPA! Before Sonia could turn off the ignition and get out of their benz, Divine had jumped from the passenger seat to greet Kenneths parents. Sonia locked the door and started toward them. The wind seemed stronger than ever, molding her slim silk coat-dress to her body. Divine was so excited his hostility over her engagement to James might never have been. The fear that he would bring up the subject before shed had a chance to tell her in-laws in private was momentarily abated. Dads alive! Hes coming home! His voice cracked; it was changing and came out half an octave lower than it used to. I cant believe it! He shouted. His cries of joy mingled with theirs as he ran into their outstretched arms, the tears streaming down his happy face. I cant believe it, either. I cant. Something must be wrong with me. Kenneths supposed to be arriving in a few minutes. Im afraid it isnt true, that none of this is real.... Sonia? Janet rushed up to her and gave her a welcoming hug. Its a good thing you got back from the cruise when you did. After all hes suffered, can you imagine how Kenny would feel if his own wife wasnt here to welcome him home? No. She couldnt. There was more than a hint of accusation in her mother-in-laws tone. Though shed practiced restraint by not voicing her opinion about that cruise with James, her disapproval had been simmering beneath the surface. This has all happened so fast George and I are still in a state of shock. So am I, Sonia whispered. But shock didnt begin to cover it. Do you think thats his plane, Grandpa? This came from Divine as they proceeded toward the hanger. All four of them turned to the north to watch the planes approach. Sonias heart leapt into her throat. Could Kenneth really be on that plane coming in at such a sharp angle? George had his camera ready, then lowered it, Nope. Thats a C-130. Your dads coming in on a C-141. Come on. Lets keep going. Are you sure this is the right place? Im sure. His grandpa chuckled before throwing an affectionate arm around Divines shoulders. This is the Base terminal, where all the transports come in. But there arent very many people around here. Maybe we got the wrong time. Maybe your dads the only one flying in. After all, hes a war hero, and that makes him a VIP, he added with great pride. While they watched the sky, Sonia half listened to Divines excited chatter followed by his grandparents patient responses. They were wonderful people. The two of them had been making the five-hour drive from their home in Maitama to Abaji every other weekend since Kenneth had left. When they werent in town, they phoned Divine several times a week to stay in close touch. Theyd always doted on their grandson, but when Kenneth was missing in action and presumed killed, Divine had become their source of comfort. Sonia had never known her own parents, whod died in a car-bus collision soon after she was born. The grandparents on her mothers side had stepped in to raise her. Not long after shed marrued Kenneth, theyd died within a year of each other. Yet she considered herself a fortunate woman to be loved by Kenneths parents. She owed George and Janet Brown everything for making her feel an integral part of their family, for loving Divine like their own. Without their support during that black period when Kenneth was first reported missing after an enemy attack near the Saudi border town of Khafji, she had no idea how she and Divine would have survived the ordeal. Because theyd been so close to her over the years it never occurred to her that they might be upset when James unexpectedly came into her life. Throughout the first six months of their tenuous relationship, Sonia had kept it very low-key. He was either working at his business or off winning bicycle races. When he was in town, she urged him to date other women, since she had no plans to remarry and didnt want to lead him on. Sonia explained all this to Janet and George when they began asking questions about James. To her surprise, they admitted they were hurt that she would even consider dating. Not until then did Sonia realize that Kenneths parents still held out hope he was alive. Their reaction made her feel guilty, because she was more physically and emotionally attracted to James than she was willing to acknowledge. But like her in-laws, shed never been completely able to accept Kenneths death. The conflict between these emotions tortured her. She had decided to put James off, but shed under-estimated his determination to have a relationship with her. He demanded to know why she was avoiding him. When she finally told him the truth, he pointed out that even if Kenneth had been taken prisoner, all of them had been released for years earlier. His argument made sense, and she realized that she couldnt go on living in limbo. It wasnt fair to her or Divine. It definitely wasnt fair to James, whod confessed hed fallen in love with her and was willing to wait as long as it took to get a commitment from her. Since Sonia couldnt deny the strong feelings between them, they dated each other exclusively when he was in town, despite the senior Browns reservations. But in doing this, she not only incurred her inlaws displeasure, she brought out an ugly side of Divine she hadnt known existed. All because they could sense the growing bond between her and Ja--- Theres a plane, Grandpa! Where? Right there. Divine pointed toward the southern sky. George shook his head. Wrong direction. You dont think its Dads? The disappointment in his voice spoke volumes. I dont know. Well just have to wait and see. Sonia stared at the four-engine transport, which had started its descent. The ground crew was scramming in preparation for its arrival. For a moment it felt like deja vu. Only, the last time shed seen that type of aircraft, her eyes had been swollen shut from crying, and the plane had been headed into the blue, carrying away the husband she adored. Suddenly she was twenty-four years old. The excruciating pain of that moment expoded inside her all over again. She gasped for breath as pure revelation flowed through her. Kenneth was on that plane. Its wheels came down. In another minute it touched ground and taxied along the runway before making a U-turn towards them. Do you think its Dad? George? Janet cried, her excitement almost tangible. Its your fathers plane. Sonias voice shook with conviction. Come on, Divine. Galvanized into action, she grabbed her sons hand, and they began running against the wind. George and Janet werent far behind. As the plane pulled to a stop and the engines were cut, the ground crew stood ready to help lower the steps to the ground. A couple of dark-haired airmen started down. Adrenaline had Sonia almost jumping out of her skin. Mom? She knew what Divine was asking and shook her head. Her gaze fastened compulsively on the door opening. A painfully thin man with brown hair and gaunt cheeks, possibly mid-to late twenties, appeared at the threshold carrying a duffel bag. He was wearing the pine green full-dress army uniform and garison cap. Sonia watched him watching them before he took his first step down the stairs. The look of disappointment on his face haunted her. Wheres Dad? There he is! Both grandparents shouted at the same time. Sonias breath caught as a lean pale man emerged slowly from the interior, half a head taller than the soldier preceding him down the steps. He wore the same green uniform, but was carrying his cap along with a duffel bag in his right hand. His black hair was cut in a buzz. Shed already made her first mistake. She was looking for her dashing, twenty-five-year-old husband, whod worn his hair a little long. Whod always been tanned and fit. The man whod been her entire world from the first second shed laid eyes on him. The soldier she was staring at now bore a superficial resemblance to that husband. But this man was obviously older - thirty-two and thinner. It was like looking at a drawing of someone as the artist might have imagined that person appearing over the passage of time and altered by circumstance. Seven years had gone by. Seven! The realization clutched at her heart. Dad! Son! Over here! Kenneth waved. Oh, George - Janet broke down -hes lost so much weight! None of that, honey. Give him a couple months of Sonias home-cooked meals and hell put it all back on. Except for that, he looks great. George muttered gruffly. Dad! Divine broke free of Sonias hand and sprinted toward his father. In the next instant, they were embracing. Divines initial tears eventually were replaced with by joyous barks of laughter as they began inspecting each other. Already that strong father-son bond established during the first six years of Divines life was back in full effect. How strange to see the two of them together, yet how...right they looked. Divine had inherited his fathers build and complexion. Even certain mannerisms were the same. Still, Sonia checked her steps. Like a faulty imprint on a coin, Kenneths image appeared blurry, while Divines stood out in stark relief, dear and familiar. Just then Kenneth raised his head, and a pair of black lashed flame-brown eyes no length of time could ever change sought hers over Divines shoulder. The secret smile hed always reserved for her alone shone from his face. His remembered smile conjured up a myraid emotions from their frozen prison, and now they merely overwhelmed her. Kenny... She cried, reaching blindly for him. He met her halfway, clutching her to him so hard she could feel his ribs through his uniform - graphic evidence of the inhuman treatment hed received in captivity. His body quaked. If you hadnt been here waiting for me, I would have died before my feet touched the tarmac. That solemn pronouncement of truth shook her to the core. If she and James had extended their trip one more day. . . Sonnie... His deep voice broke. On a low moan, his mouth closed over hers. How many times had she known her husbands possessive kiss? How many times had she been swept away by his passion, brought to tears by his tenderness? Who could count all the ways his mouth had brought her infinite pleasure, the times hed made her feel immortal, no matter the hour, mood or situation? Yet this kiss was different from the others. His soul was searching for hers, seeking to ascertain that it still belonged to him, that there were no secrets, no shadows. Not completely satisfied, he deepened their kiss. When Kenneth when in pursuit, his instincts never failed him. Her body, that tangible conduit to the soul, started to tremble. His body went perfectly still before he relinquishhed her mouth. In his eyes she glimpsed unspeakable pain, and had to look away. He knows, her heart groaned. KENNY. . .WHAT HAPPENED to your hand? The undisguised horror in Sonias voice, coupled with a muffled cry from George, filled Sonia with unnamed dread. She eased herself far enough away from Kenneths chest to see his hands. He glanced down. Out of the others hearing, he said, It appears weve both mislaid our wedding rings. Staggering guilt and pain knifed through her body before she saw what the others had seen - there was a bandage where his left hand had been. In the next instant, graphic pictures of combat scenarios flashed through her mind. She started to weave. Dont scream out loud, Sonia. Through narrowed eyes, Kenneth registered her horrified reaction before she felt him shut her out and turn to Divine. As I told my boy. . . He touched the dark hair with his right hand . . . Ive gotten along just fine without my other hand, but Ill check out the latest hardware to see about making some improvements. The mocking tone, perfectly gauged to alleviate their sons fears, devastated her. In desperation Sonia put an arm around Divines shoulders, as much out of a need for his physical support as the desire to reassure her son. He was fighting a losing battle to hold back the tears; obviously, fresh shock over his fathers loss had begun to settle in. Her in-laws fared no better. George was ashenfaced and Janet had broken down sobbing. All Sonia and Divine could do was stand by helplessly and watch the reunion between Kenneth and his parents, two of the most devoted generous people in the world. People whod steadfastly refused to believe their only son was dead. Her heart underwent another convulsion. She couldnt get over the cruel irony that after seven years of unutterable suffering to both body and soul Kenneth had to be the one comforting all of them. In that regard, he hadnt changed. Her husband had always been a take-charge kind of man, watching out for everyone else, never worrying about his own needs. Early in their relationship, shed come to cherish that unselfishness in him; shed considered herself blessed to be his wife. She still did, didnt she? He hadnt died. He was alive. His flesh and blood body was here, just two feet away. His spirit animated his body. Then why did it seem as if they were standing on opposite sides of a transparent glass wall, able to see each other but unable to break through and make contact? Theres someone I want you to meet. Kenneth had gently disengaged himself from his mothers clinging arms to beckon the thin soldier Sonia had seen leaving the plane first. Hed been standing a good distance away. She hadnt even realized he was still waiting at the airfield. M.T.? Come here and let me introduce you. M.T? Sonia vaguely remembered the name from Kenneths early days in the army reserve, the seemingly safe route hed chosen to help pay for his undergraduate schooling. The other man shook his head. I dont want to intrude, Sergeant. Sonia saw Kenneths jaw harden. Youre not intruding, and the days of calling me Sergeant are over. Were civilians now, he asserted in an authoritative voice. Everybody, say hello to M.T, Danjuma. He was named Mohammed-Tawa for his grandfather, but nobody knows that except me. Kenneth grinned. He lost an eye when our truck hit a land mine, but that didnt stop M.T. We managed to walk a good fifty miles and give an Iraqi patrol fits before they picked us up and moved us to an underground bunker. The rest is. . .history. M.T gave a solemn nod to everyone. The sarge lost his hand in the same explosion. Since the Iraqis dont give medical care to prisoners, we were lucky the blast burned us, because it cauterized our wounds so there wasnt any infection. The doctors in Ghana cleaned us up with a little surgery before sending us home. Kenneth nodded. Our superiors at the base told us thered been word that a few isolated soldiers had been taken prisoner for negotiation purposes in case Saddam Hussein wanted to start another war later on down the road. Our incarceration just lasted a little longer than wed expected, Kenneth joked. You could say weve adopted each other. Since his wife and aunt dont know hes back yet, Ive invited him to stay with us. As he spoke, Kenneths eyes focused on Sonia. The message was clear and unmistakable. . . .whatevers wrong between us, for the love of God, dont let me down in this. . . She started shaking and couldnt stop. The fact that M.Ts wife - let alone other members of his family - hadnt shown up could mean anything. But Sonia couldnt help fearing the worst, she sensed the same was true for Kenneth. Galvanized into action, she threw her arms around M.T and hugged his stiff form. Welcome home soldier. Thank heaven you and Kenneth had each other. She kissed his wooden lips in salute. Thank heaven is right, he whispered. His body suddenly relaxed and he hugged her back. As far as Im concerned, your husband walks on water. He thinks you do, too, but I guess you already know that. I do. She couldnt dislodge the boulder in her throat. Apparently he feels that way about you, too. Following her lead, Kenneths parents took turns hugging the soldier, showering him with genuine affection because he and Kenneth had helped each other stay alive. That made him family, and it was good enough for them. Watch for episode 3 Target: 10 Likes
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 07:36:06 +0000

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