TITLE: I see things EPISODE: 8 I felt my head pounding as I - TopicsExpress


TITLE: I see things EPISODE: 8 I felt my head pounding as I slowly returned 2 consciousness. I was lying down on d floor in a very large dark rum,wit a singular, small window on d wall opposite mine, close 2 d ceiling,not even large enough 4 me 2 poke my head throu.It appeared 2 b evening outside nd d only source of light came 4rm a singular but large red candle flickering strongly on a mantelpiece attached 2 d roof.I blinked nd squinted as my eyes started 2 adjust 2 d poor lighting nd it was only wen I tried 2 get up dat I realized I had been bound hand nd foot. D pounding in my head continued mercilessly as I tried 2 struggle in2 a sitting position.Afta a few failed attempts,I managed 2 lean my back against d wall behind me.D whole place smelt damp nd sinister.I looked around me nd saw dat apart 4rm being bound I had been chained by 1 of my ankles 2 a heavy looking bolt on d floor.der didn’t seem 2 b any need 4 dat thou,as d ropes wer already doing a gud job of keeping me a prisoner. I was a little disoriented in time but hazarded a guess dat it had been a few hours since my abduction.Abduction; now dat I had tot of dat word,I began 2 realize d full implications of my situation.I weighed shouting 4 help 2 keeping quiet.It might b dat my abductors had kept me sumwer isolated nd my shouting wuld only alert dem 2 d fact dat I had regained consciousness.I decided 2 keep quiet 4 now. D walls of d rum wer dirty brown in colour nd sum dried dark substance stained d walls in various areas.Below dis stains wer strange symbols nd writings,none of which made any sense 2 me. I suddenly saw swift movement on d other side of d rum nd I struggled upright.I saw sum movement again nd sumtin flew past my face.I was so taken aback,I yelled out nd d noise echoed all around d rum.Dis caused more of d creatures 2 start flying about nd screeching in high pitched tones.Bats! I wasn’t very fond of bats,wit der little razor sharp teeth nd claws; nd 4 sum reason my brain decided dat dis was d right time 2 remind me of a documentary I had watched on discovery channel dat bats transmitted rabies.I shuddered nd kept quiet as dey fluttered nd circled above me.Even thou I couldn’t c dem,by the sound dey made I figured dey wuld b about a hundred of dem which wuld b more dan enuf 2 do me in if dey decided 2 attack- Shut up brain! I forced myself 2 remain calm.As far as I knew bats did not knowingly attack humans,normal bats anyway.I squinted , trying 2 se if der was anotha way out of d rum,mayb d way d bats had flown in.dey culdn’t hav com in 4rm d window as it was closed,so der must be… “y re u looking up?” I swiveled round 2 wer d voice had com 4rm. Mr A**** was standing der smiling,as frndly looking as ever. Bside him now stood 4 bodyguards,all dressed as d ones I had“seen”b4.As usual dey looked blank nd a lot like statues nd didn’t move until Mr A**** himself did. “Wat ar u looking at?”he asked again, advancing slowly.I tried moving back den realized I was already against d wall.der was no wer 2 move back to.I put on a bold, nonchalant face. “d bats.”I said. “I dnt like bats so much.” His eyes twinkled in excitement nd he let out a whoop of laughter.It echoed around d rum as my shout had done earlier nd d bats scattered again. “nd I suppose,”he said,“dat u re wondering y we bound u so tight?” “Well,d chain 2 d ground tin is a bit much.”I replied. “Haaa! Wonderful!” he said,laughing again.I didn’t quite get it nd started 2 conclude dat Mr A**** was as mad as a hatter. “If any other person had been in dis rum, all dey wuld hav seen wuld have been d ropes binding der hands nd feet.Only sum1 rily gifted wuld se d enchanted chain on d floor nd my spiritual sentries on d roof! u re indeed talented,boy!Tell me, how did u acquire dis power? Did u kill any1? Sacrifices perhaps?A secret cult?I hav already looked u over,der re no charms on ur body,so hw re u doing it?” D chains nd d bats had been a test. And I had passed horribly.I sighed 2 myself.der wer few times wen I considered myself unlucky 4 having d Sight.dis was 1 of d. But den sumtin told me dat even if I had not seen d supernatural objects, he still wuld not hav freed me. “Com now,chuks, dnt u hav anytin 2 say?”Mr A**** asked jovially, To be continued......
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 14:42:21 +0000

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